Press Releases
Notícias mais recentes
- mar. 20, 2025New Valmet office opens in Tikkurila, Vantaa
- fev. 20, 2025Valmet’s share buy-back program for its share-based incentive plans has ended
- fev. 14, 2025Valmet to start the share buy-back program for its share-based incentive plans
- fev. 7, 2025Valmet secures the best A List position in the CDP Climate disclosure for the second year in a row
- jan. 22, 2025Valmet to supply modernization of a heating plant for ŠKO-ENERGO, s.r.o. in the Czech Republic
- jan. 21, 2025Valmet to supply an off-machine coater to a customer in Asia-Pacific
- jan. 16, 2025Valmet to deliver an Advantage ThruAir Drying tissue machine to Irving Consumer Products in Macon, Georgia, USA
- jan. 14, 2025Publishing of Valmet's Financial Statements Review 2024 on February 13, 2025
- dez. 16, 2024Change in Valmet’s Executive Team
- nov. 21, 2024Change in Valmet’s Executive Team
- nov. 12, 2024Valmet to supply a complete papermaking line to one of its major customers in Asia-Pacific
- nov. 7, 2024Valmet’s website ranked number one in a survey by Comprend
- out. 21, 2024Valmet’s change negotiations completed in Finland in its Paper business line’s Board and Paper Mills business unit
- out. 16, 2024Publishing of Valmet's Interim Review January – September 2024 on October 30, 2024
- out. 3, 2024Valmet to supply an OptiConcept M board making line to Anhui Linping Circular Development in China
- set. 30, 2024Valmet rated among the top five percent of companies in the EcoVadis sustainability assessment
- set. 24, 2024Change in Valmet's Executive Team
- set. 20, 2024Valmet to supply a new BCTMP line and an evaporator line to JK Paper Limited in India
- set. 18, 2024Valmet ranked as the second most attractive employer in Finland among engineering professionals
- set. 5, 2024Valmet to start change negotiations in Finland in its Paper business line’s Board and Paper Mills business unit
- set. 3, 2024Valmet strengthens its presence in West China by opening a new service center in Beihai
- ago. 16, 2024Valmet and Spinnova Plc sign a partnership agreement regarding process equipment for textile fibre production
- ago. 13, 2024Valmet to deliver a new recovery boiler and an ash crystallization plant to Klabin’s Monte Alegre mill modernization project in Brazil
- ago. 2, 2024Valmet has completed the acquisition of Demuth, a provider of wood handling technology and services in South America
- ago. 1, 2024Valmet closes the agreement to acquire majority shares in FactoryPal, a subsidiary of Körber
- jul. 9, 2024Valmet to supply the third Advantage DCT 200 tissue production line to Velvet CARE Paper Mill in Poland
- jun. 26, 2024Valmet to supply both a papermaking line and a paper machine rebuild to a customer in Asia-Pacific
- jun. 25, 2024Valmet to deliver a tissue machine to Andhra Paper in India
- jun. 19, 2024Publishing of Valmet's Half Year Financial Review January – June 2024 on July 24, 2024
- jun. 19, 2024Valmet receives the second order of converting lines to Metsä Tissue in Mariestad, Sweden
- jun. 10, 2024Valmet to deliver a pellet-fired heating plant to Göteborg Energi AB in Mölndal, Sweden
- jun. 7, 2024Anu Pires appointed SVP, Human Resources at Valmet
- mai. 30, 2024Valmet enters joint venture with Körber to advance the digital offering to the tissue industry
- mai. 29, 2024Valmet signs multiple agreements with Papierfabrik Palm in Germany
- mai. 8, 2024Valmet chosen as the third most attractive employer by engineering students in Finland
- mai. 2, 2024Valmet to deliver a fiberline upgrade to the Lecta Zaragoza mill in Spain
- abr. 16, 2024Valmet to deliver a boiler rebuild to E.ON’s power station in Scotland, the United Kingdom
- abr. 11, 2024Valmet renews its sustainability reporting
- abr. 9, 2024Valmet reaches a significant milestone for automation systems business by launching Valmet DNAe, the next generation Distributed Control System
- abr. 4, 2024Publishing of Valmet's Interim Review January – March 2024 on April 24, 2024
- abr. 2, 2024Valmet has completed the acquisition of the Process Gas Chromatography business from Siemens
- abr. 2, 2024Valmet’s change negotiations completed in Services and Paper business lines, EMEA area organization and corporate functions
- mar. 19, 2024Valmet to supply the second Advantage DCT 200 tissue production line to Crown Paper Mill in Saudi Arabia
- mar. 1, 2024Valmet publishes Green Finance Framework
- fev. 23, 2024Valmet’s social responsibility program continues with several area-specific projects around the world
- fev. 21, 2024Valmet to add biomass co-firing to a coal-fired circulating fluidized bed boiler for PT. Cikarang Listrindo in Indonesia
- fev. 19, 2024Valmet’s share buy-back program for its share-based incentive plans has ended
- fev. 15, 2024Valmet to start change negotiations regarding Services and Paper business lines, EMEA area organization and parts of corporate functions
- fev. 13, 2024Valmet to deliver electrostatic precipitators to Nordic Paper’s Bäckhammar mill in Sweden
- fev. 12, 2024Valmet to start the share buy-back program for its share-based incentive plans
- fev. 6, 2024Valmet achieves the best A rating in CDP’s climate listing
- jan. 30, 2024Valmet to deliver a tissue paper making line, tissue converting equipment and a biomass boiler to Suzano Papel e Celulose in Brazil
- jan. 24, 2024A fire at the Rautpohja mill in Jyväskylä, Finland
- jan. 12, 2024Change in Valmet’s Executive Team
- jan. 11, 2024Publishing of Valmet's Financial Statements Review 2023 on February 7, 2024
- jan. 11, 2024Valmet to supply key technology for Shandong Jin Tian He Paper’s board machine in China
- dez. 22, 2023Valmet to strengthen its wood handling technology and services in South America by acquiring Demuth
- dez. 18, 2023Valmet and Saipem signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop integrated solutions to support decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries
- dez. 13, 2023Valmet reaches two significant milestones in its Climate Program
- dez. 11, 2023Valmet has been included in the DJSI World and Europe indices for the tenth consecutive year
- nov. 3, 2023Valmet has completed the acquisition of Körber’s Business Area Tissue
- nov. 1, 2023Valmet and Metsä Group to develop a joint sustainability model for industrial investment projects
- out. 25, 2023Valmet has received a major order of multiple technologies from Liansheng Pulp & Paper in China
- out. 10, 2023Valmet to supply a biomass power plant to Göteborg Energi in Sweden
- out. 4, 2023Publishing of Valmet's Interim Review January – September 2023 on October 25, 2023
- out. 2, 2023Valmet to supply an Advantage DCT 200 tissue production line to Sofidel America in United States
- set. 27, 2023Valmet has signed a EUR 175 million loan with European Investment Bank linked to company’s Research and Development activities
- set. 26, 2023Valmet to supply a fine paper making line to Yueyang Forest Paper in China
- set. 19, 2023Valmet ranked as the most attractive employer in Finland among engineering professionals
- ago. 31, 2023Valmet to supply key pulp and paper technologies to Naini Papers in India
- ago. 28, 2023Valmet to deliver seventh tissue production line to Papel San Francisco in Mexico
- ago. 22, 2023Change in Valmet’s Executive Team
- jul. 19, 2023Valmet to supply a high-capacity winder to Gascogne Papier in France
- jul. 17, 2023Valmet strengthens its automation offering by acquiring the Process Gas Chromatography business of Siemens AG
- jul. 12, 2023Publishing of Valmet's Half Year Financial Review January – June 2023 on July 26, 2023
- jul. 7, 2023Valmet strengthens its Process Technologies and Services segments by acquiring Körber’s Business Area Tissue
- jul. 5, 2023Valmet to deliver two wash presses to Holmen’s mill in Iggesund, Sweden
- jun. 21, 2023Changes in Valmet’s Executive Team
- jun. 19, 2023Valmet to deliver pulp technology for DS Smith in Portugal
- jun. 1, 2023Valmet to deliver key pulp mill technology to Shandong Huatai Paper’s new pulp mill in China
- mai. 12, 2023Valmet chosen as the second most attractive employer by engineering students in Finland
- mai. 8, 2023Valmet to rebuild ITC’s board machine in India
- mai. 4, 2023Valmet to convert Helen Ltd’s coal-fired district heat boiler to a pellet-fired BFB boiler at the Salmisaari power plant in Helsinki, Finland
- mai. 2, 2023Valmet continues to invest in press felt production in Finland
- abr. 28, 2023Change in Valmet’s Executive Team
- abr. 25, 2023Valmet to deliver key technologies for Henan Longyuan Paper’s testliner line in China
- abr. 5, 2023Publishing of Valmet's Interim Review January – March 2023 on April 26, 2023
- mar. 31, 2023Valmet to deliver a wash press to Holmen Paper AB’s Braviken mill in Sweden
- mar. 27, 2023Valmet to supply a new container board making line to DS Smith in Italy
- mar. 8, 2023Valmet hosts a Capital Markets Day today, March 8, 2023, in Espoo
- mar. 2, 2023Valmet receives a tissue line order for Metsä Tissue’s new Future Mill project in Mariestad, Sweden
- fev. 23, 2023Valmet to supply a coated board machine to Graphic Packaging International in the United States
- fev. 14, 2023Change in Valmet's Executive Team
- fev. 2, 2023Invitation to Valmet’s Capital Markets Day on March 8, 2023
- jan. 31, 2023Valmet to deliver key technology and automation solutions for the expansion project of Stora Enso’s Oulu mill in Finland
- jan. 30, 2023Valmet to supply another paper machine rebuild to Sappi North America’s Somerset facility
- jan. 12, 2023Publishing of Valmet’s Financial Statements Review 2022 on February 2, 2023
- jan. 12, 2023Valmet to rebuild cooking, fiberline and evaporation plant for Andhra Paper Limited in India
- jan. 9, 2023Valmet to convert two coal-fired boilers to enable biomass combustion for Veolia Group’s subsidiary in Hungary
- jan. 3, 2023Valmet has completed the acquisition of NovaTech Automation’s Process Solutions business