Technical service
Our technical service team is composed of high seniority technicians, who offer both on-site and on-line remote assistance.
Technical service
Our technical service team is composed of high seniority technicians, who offer both on-site and on-line remote assistance.
Spare parts
To offer the best customer experience possible, our spare parts division operates in two separate sales channels: traditional and on-line.
Explore upgrades & rebuild possibilities
Also known as TIP (Technical Improvement Program), this line of service aims at offering enhancements of the installed base to keep equipment always up to date and efficient.
Reliable, secure, and competitive solution to access all machines data for any desired use.
斯道拉恩索北海纸厂: The power of a shared journey
自2016年新纸机和浆线项目以来,斯道拉恩索(Stora Enso)的北海工厂与维美德一直保持良好的合作伙伴关系。他们对持续改进的共同关注使北海工厂成为中国高端白卡纸的标杆。
Insights ● Customer storyJuntai Technology overcomes a shoe press challenge in pulp drying
A shoe press bottom roll’s poor performance was a restricting factor not only for Juntai Technology’s pulp drying machine but the entire mill. Valmet’s roll service experts swiftly removed the issue.
Insights ● Customer storyGalileo金刚石是磨木机的最好选择
Sappi Ngodwana工厂启动磨石磨木车间Galileo项目,旨在为工厂的传统磨木机配备维美德独特的Galileo磨石技术。作为使用该技术的第一家常压磨石磨木浆生产厂家,他们取得了卓越的成效。
Insights ● 文章现场服务的数字化飞跃
新的移动应用程序@Field 连接了维美德的1,100多名现场服务专业人员。整合了我们的工作方式 ,并进一步改善了客户体验。
Insights ● 文章Mondi Syktyvkar: 充分利用数据提升性能和效率
Mondi 和维美德携手合作,将 Mondi 的 Syktyvkar 制浆造纸厂的性能提升到一个新的水平。他们当前的性能协议的核心是增加使用维美德工业互联网-VII 解决方案,其可以更好地利用数据,是一种更好的工作协作方式。
Insights ● 文章让我们共创成功
维美德新服务模式——“共创成功”旨在为生产线全生命周期中的每个阶段提供完美的服务组合。服务范围从备品备件到外包服务和工艺优化升 级 ,不仅包括 现场的服 务,还可以 通过远程的工业互联网解决方案对其进行补充。
Insights ● 文章