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Plant maintenance and lifecycle services

Plant maintenance and lifecycle services


维美德应对 Covid-19 新冠病毒的措施

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Tissue converting

On-off valves

On-off valves

Metso intelligent, reliable on-off valve solutions for general and high-cycle applications will help to reduce the life-cycle costs. Our valve solutions provide long lasting tight shut-off with fast and safe operation together with reduced fugitive emissions. Metso shut-off valves combined with intelligent valve controllers provide diagnostic capabilities and increase plant safety.

Flow control
Electric actuators

Electric actuators

Metso is a leading designer and provider of actuators for a wide variety of process and flow control applications. Our complete line of compact and reliable VALVCON® electric actuators provides accurate, electronically controlled positioning of valves and dampers for the wide range of the process industries.

Flow control
Segment valves

Segment valves

Neles® segment valve is an economical high performance control valve designed for liquid, gas, vapor and slurry control applications - especially with high capacity and wide rangeability requirements. R-series offers light weight, low torque control valves from 1" low capacity models up to 32".

Flow control
SAICA纸业工业总监Fernando Carroquino 的专访

SAICA纸业工业总监Fernando Carroquino 的专访

SAICA 纸业工业总监Fernando Carroquino 就箱纸板制造商所面临的挑战分享了他的看法,尤其是分享了他在能源效率、轻量化和可持续发展方面的观点。

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360°Rolls - 全方位辊子服务提升性能,降低成本

根据与纸厂讨论的他们目前的操作模式,客户们更多的关注于如何降低运行成本、提高可用性和提高效率方面。维美德新的360°Rolls 全方位辊子服务是一种新的方案, 造纸商可以360度,从生产和纸机维护的各个方面来关注辊子及辊子的运行环境,以长远的眼光关注纸机上的各种辊筒,提升他们的运行性能的同时

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Sappi Kirkniemi 信赖维美德

Sappi Kirkniemi 信赖维美德

与许多行业一样,制浆造纸行业所面临的主要挑 战是改善其运行的经济性。造纸行业正在寻找新方法将资源集中在核心业务。 位于芬兰的 Sappi’s Kirkniemi 造纸厂也不例外,已迅速利用维美德的技能和专业知识来维护其关键的机械设备和安全有效地使用生产线。

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