Energy Process Optimization abstract key visual

Optimize your energy process to improve profitability and sustainability 


The energy markets are changing fast. To turn these changes into opportunities, your energy process needs to be as flexible as possible. At Valmet, we help energy producers and industrial consumers optimize their processes to increase profits, reduce emissions and minimize risks.  

Make more money out of more markets

Make more money out of more markets

Optimize trading to increase returns from electricity markets and access new ones. From day-ahead to intraday and reserve markets.

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Safely extend operational limits instead of investing in new assets​


Would you like to safely expand the minimum and maximum operational limits of your plant? Optimizing existing assets rather than buying new can deliver a very fast return on investment. ​

  • Expanded maximum of a 145 MWth CHP boiler in Europe
  • Boiler reached 7% higher steam flow on average
  • Increased production capacity
  • Decreased the need for substituting steam production

  • Expanded minimum of a 250 MWth CHP boiler in Europe
  • Boiler reached 30% lower steam load on average
  • Fewer unnecessary shutdowns and start-ups
  • Less condensed heat
  • Decreased the need for substituting steam production 

Balance production and trading precisely to meet demand​


Increase flexibility. Balance production and the demand in different markets more precisely to ensure that you can meet demand. 

Kaukaan Voima Oy, Finland, uses an application to monitor power plant capabilities and deliver the power to the grid on time. The application controls power generation automatically to meet power market needs fast and accurately.

  • Better accuracy of power generation and timing
  • Flexibility to quickly respond to power market
  • At-a-glance overview and control of net power generation under a given time span

Use raw materials efficiently to improve profitability and cut emissions​


Are you using too much raw materials, energy, fuels or additives? More efficient use of raw materials improves both profitability and sustainability. ​

Improved sustainability for two combined heat and power (CHP) Pohjolan Voima plants in Finland: Kymin Voima and Kaukaan Voima:

  • 0.5% increase in efficiency
  • Flue gas CO2 peaks lowered
  • 20% reduction in primary NOx
  • Reach upcoming emission limits without any investment
  • 7 kg/h reduction in ammonia consumption
  • Wider operation range

Modular solutions to your needs

Our optimization solution covers the expertise, technology and services you need. Modular customization is key. We begin with a study to uncover your needs and opportunities for improvement. There’s no need to change everything at once. Just add a module when you need to.

Integrated into one flexible system 

Our solution integrates with your existing systems, regardless of the supplier. Creating a flexible solution that keeps continuously improving, minimizing risks and delivering ever higher value over the whole lifecycle. That’s why we like outcome-based contracts and can offer performance guarantees to over 80% of our optimization customers.