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Valmet Industrial Internet - VII: Dialog z danymi

Automation solutions
Lime kiln

Lime kiln

This course describes the purpose, processes, design and function of the lime kiln and auxilliary equipment.

Recovery boiler safety

Recovery boiler safety

Presents risks and preventive security actions in Recovery boilers.

Technologie, automatyka i usługi dla produkcji kartonu i papieru

Board and paper
Valmet's multifuel solutions

Valmet's multifuel solutions

High fuel competence is one of the ways that Valmet stands out from other boiler manufacturers. Around the world, we have more than 260 fluidized bed boiler references based on BFB (bubbling fluidized bed) and CFB (circulating fluidized bed) technologies, and most of them are designed to burn more than one fuel.

Air emission control

Air emission control

Optimal air emission control solutions provides the highest environmental performance and ability to meet set emission limits. Additionally, it significantly improves energy and process efficiency.

Industrial Internet for Energy

Industrial Internet for Energy

Let’s have a dialogue with data to improve the performance of your plant! Valmet Industrial Internet (VII) offering covers an extensive range of solutions and applications for energy. 

Energy R&D

Energy R&D

Valmet posiada własne centrum badawczo-rozwojowe w Tampere, skupiające się na kotłach fluidalnych, pirolizie i systemach ochrony środowiska. Centrum łączy wiedzę firmy Valmet w zakresie technologii energetycznych z najnowocześniejszym sprzętem.

Distributed control system (DCS)

Distributed control system (DCS)

Valmet DNA Distributed Control System (DCS) gives you complete control of all your processes and provide user-friendliness and transparency that go far beyond traditional automation systems.

Automation solutions