Quality control system (QCS) training
Valmet IQ learning services

Valmet organizes a wide range of customer training courses. Here you can find the global course offering organized by all customer training teams. Check also the regional training offering and do not hesitate to ask for tailored courses.

Valmet’s standard programs are logically divided into modules to make course selection easy and straight-forward. The customer training path depicts how Valmet courses develop skill levels progressively and how courses are related to one another.
Valmet IQ Operation
Introduction: The typical features of Valmet IQ user interface are studied. Quality monitoring, production data, quality controls and grade change are covered.
You will learn: After completing the course the operator understands the quality overview display and can operate MD/CD controls. The operator is familiar with IGC Grade Change and has the skills to operate the Valmet IQ Scanner.
Valmet IQ Basic course
Introduction: This course provides a comprehensive survey of the operation, structure and operating concepts of theValmetIQ Quality Control System. The course covers all sections of QCS: measurements, controls and CD-profilers. The measurement and control solutions used in Valmet IQ are introduced. Operator interface is studied with the help of Valmet DNA process simulations. Basic concepts of maintenance are examined, too.
You will learn: After completing the course the participants will be familiar with the structure and general features of Valmet IQ QCS. He/she has the knowledge required by some of the other Valmet IQ training courses.
Valmet IQ Quality Measurement Maintenance
Introduction: This course provides a detailed review of the functions, structures, maintenance procedures of the Valmet IQ measurement system. The course covers Valmet IQ Scanners and the most typical sensors (BW, Moisture, Ash, Caliper). Practical exercises give an insight into using the diagnostic displays and maintenance tools. Exercises are done on fully functional measurement system includingValmet IQScanner, Valmet IQ Basis WeightMeasurement, Valmet IQ Web Moisture Measurement and Valmet IQ Web Caliper Measurement.
You will learn: After completing the course the participants will be familiar with Valmet IQ measurement system.
Valmet IQ MD Controls
Introduction: This course provides a review of the theory and algorithms of Valmet IQ MD Controls machine direction multivariable controls.The following high level controls are detailed: Oven Dry weight, Paper ash, Headbox ash, White water consistency and Moisture. Valmet DNA low level loops and PID tuning will also be covered. Controls are detailed through the use of theory and with the of a Valmet DNA simulator.
You will learn:After completing the course the participants will be familiar with Valmet IQ Metso IQ MD Controls product. They will be able to evaluate the process and the current MD control performance as well as maintain the MD control tuning
Valmet IQ CD Controls
Introduction: This course provides a review of the theory and algorithms of Valmet IQ CD Controls profile controls. Controls are detailed through the use of theory and with the help of a Valmet DNA simulator. Tuning displays and tuning procedures are also examined.
You will learn: After completing the course the participants will be familiar with Valmet IQ CD Controls product
Valmet IQ Color Measurement and Control
Introduction: This course provides a review of the theory and algorithms of color measurement and control as used in Valmet IQ’s QCS.
You will learn: The course is for QCS maintenance personnel. After completing the course the participants will be familiar with Valmet IQ Web Color measurement and IQ Color MD Control application.
Valmet IQ Analysis Tools
Introduction: Course covers the analysis tools integrated in Valmet IQ measuring system. The theory and solutions used in Valmet IQ to separate MD/CD variation in on-line measurement will be covered. Valmet IQ Scanner traversing features and settings will be studied: variating scan speed, automatic fix point, edge scan etc. Course covers both basic applications and advanced analysis package.
You will learn: After finishing the course the participant knows the traversing features of the Valmet IQ Scanner and is familiar with the methods used in stability analysis and MD/CD-separation.