Biomass to Energy

For over thirty years, Valmet has been supplying the energy industry around the world with solutions for high-efficiency power production based on various kinds of biofuels. Today, many of the world’s largest biomass power plants run with Valmet’s technology. Our technological expertise covers fuel processing at a boiler plant from fuel receiving, handling and drying, to feeding fuel to the boiler.
Leading fluidized bed technology
Valmet has a wide range of solutions for converting biomass to energy. Biomass, alone or together with other fuels, can be combusted in our fluidized bed boilers. One of our newest solutions is biomass gasification, which enables fossil fuel replacement with biomass on a large scale, increasing fuel flexibility and reducing CO2 emissions economically. Valmet Pyrolyzer turns solid biomass into high-value liquid fuels and chemicals. We offer the entire plant solution including automation, service and maintenance.
For sustainable power and heat generation, we offer complete power plants that emphasize high fuel flexibility, innovative technology, and availability.

Automation solutions
Valmet is specialized in the automation of fluidized bed boilers in greenfield and retrofit projects.
In addition to combustion control and optimization solutions, the Valmet DNA Automation System includes versatile performance monitoring applications for the fluidized bed boiler, a fuel management system for solid fuel received, condition monitoring and other DCS features designed for power plant automation.
Our solutions for biomass to energy

Our expertise is at your service
Our focus is to bring your performance forward. Our expertise in sustainable energy production is at your disposal. Get in touch with our specialists through your local Valmet office, or the link below.
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