New lines

Sustainable papermaking process with innovative technologies

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Defining suitable production capacity is the key to ensuring the highest possible return on paper machine investment. Our focus is on supplying the right scale papermaking lines with sustainable solutions to serve local as well as global markets. Production can be focused on those products where demand and prices are the most profitable.

OptiConcept M - Maximum efficiency with minimum operating costs

OptiConcept M is a modular paper machine concept for sustainable papermaking. OptiConcept M family suits containerboard, cartonboard and fine paper production – simple, well-functioning solutions that meet customers’ needs.

OptiConcept M paper machine keeps costs down by increasing energy, raw material, and chemical efficiency. It provides improved flexibility in grade changes and enables efficient operation and maintenance-friendly design that maximizes productivity and minimizes downtime. OptiConcept M stands for economy, safety, and the environment.


Read more about OptiConcept M

Secure your investment with pilot trials

Valmet Paper Technology Center provides the world's most comprehensive offering of testing and piloting services to paper and board manufacturers worldwide. Our pilot facilities have the entire paper machine process covered, from stock preparation to coatings and everything between, providing customers with excellent service and reliable results to support in investment decisions.

Follow the activities in the trials on site or remotely through live streaming cameras. Pilot trials are very cost-efficient compared to expensive tests in paper and board maker's own production. Naturally we work under strict confidentiality.


Read more about Paper Technology Centers and pilot trial opportunities

Accelerate start-up and optimization with Industrial Internet solutions

The start-up and the further optimization of a new paper machine can be supported remotely from Valmet Performance Center. Data-based and proactive remote support is a fast and efficient way to ensure that the machine is meeting the planned start-up curve. During the ramp-up phase, the advanced monitoring and prediction applications help to optimize end-product quality, energy consumption, and productivity.

Our expertise is easily available for you through the Performance Centers. Our specialists have a deep understanding of machinery, processes and automation and with remote connections and tools, we can offer the needed support and guidance without delay – and more broadly than before.


Read more about Industrial Internet

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