Revitalize your ship with automation upgrades
Oct 9, 2018
The pressures of swift changes within the marine industry require you to do more with less these days. Shipowners are looking for ways to run their fleet more effectively. Increasingly restrictive rules and regulations do not make the situation any easier, so efficient cost-saving and energy-saving solutions are a matter of necessity.

Time for a smarter approach
In our modern world − the world of Industrial Internet and autonomous vehicles − the effective handling of a ship is a complex task, which needs efficient technologies. Now it is almost axiomatic to employ an automatic control and monitoring system, enabling safe and cost-effective operation with smaller crews.
However, all computer-based infrastructures evolve. The components in use today might soon become obsolete, making ship ownership more challenging and expensive. But replacing an old system with completely new technology is expensive and time-consuming – plus there’s a good chance you’ll just have to do the whole thing over again in a few years.
Therefore, it’s best to choose a leaner approach. An automation system upgrade is a cost-effective way to adapt your vessel to the latest technologies.
Life-cycle management philosophy
In the development of its products and services, Valmet has always followed a life-cycle management philosophy. Keeping up with the latest innovations and seamlessly installing them on your vessel is at the core of our philosophy, so we are always focused on system supportability and upgradability.
Experienced in ship automation
The history of Valmet in ship automation systems started in the early 80s with Damatic Classic. Then the system went through a range of essential developments, changing faces and names several times, and has become today’s renowned Valmet DNA.
Currently, Valmet DNA marine automation system is our most advanced, state-of-the-art automation solution. Based on unsurpassed experience and the industry’s most high-end technologies, it is a comprehensive automation system for all functions – monitoring, alarms, control, safety, performance, analysis and more.
Easy upgrades, from Damatic to Valmet DNA
Damatic, Damatic Classic, Damatic XD, Damatic XDi, Damatic DNA, Metso DNA: these are all older names for what has evolved today into Valmet DNA.
Many ships still sail the world’s oceans with one of these systems, and they might be efficient enough. But the fact is they could be much better and more efficient with the latest technology.
Avoiding a costly refit of the entire automation system, Valmet makes new system features available through simple upgrades. There is no need to replace the existing I/Os. If you have a Damatic XD or XDi system, only the process controllers and the control room parts need to be replaced. Although the system continually gets updates to its operating software and user interface graphics, the programmed application software remains unchanged, which minimizes the need for new testing of existing signals and functions.
How is your energy consumed?
An updated user interface means your crew has better tools at hand. You can also integrate the most recent energy-saving features of Valmet DNA, which is designed specifically to help vessels keep on top of fuel usage efficiency and environmental requirements.
“The big focus now is on fuel and energy efficiency,” says Per Syvertsen, Senior Technical Manager, Marine Automation Applications, Valmet. “Many older vessels are due for upgrades in order to meet a range of new and upcoming safety and environmental regulations. Valmet DNA is a great cost-effective tool to support them.”
Upgrading automation for Royal Caribbean
One of our latest upgrades is for Mariner of the Seas, a cruise ship owned by Royal Caribbean International. In 2017, Valmet received an order to upgrade its Damatic XDi automation system to the latest Valmet DNA technology.
Caption: Mariner of the Seas at Marina Bay Cruise Centre in Singapore. (Photo: Royal Caribbean International.)
“Valmet has a long track record with automation systems on Royal Caribbean’s ships. The control room and process controller are transformed by this upgrade from the Damatic XDi system to the latest Valmet DNA technology platform,” says Per Syvertsen.
New analyzing tools for new levels of process control
Apart from a modernized user interface, one of the new tools is a history storage and data analyzing and reporting tool: Valmet DNA Operate Trend and Event Archive, which gives operators a whole new dimension of process control with trends, replay, and alarm and event analysis.
“Besides,” says Syvertsen, “another major benefit of this upgrade for the customer is that the I/O side of the older automation system can remain unchanged. This part of the technology will still be supported for many years to come.”
For more information:
Per Syvertsen
per.syvertsen at