Valmet wins Top of Marketing Award in Industry category in Brazil
Nov 21, 2019
Systematic product development combined with an innovative marketing campaign led Valmet to win the 2019 Top of Marketing Award in the Industry category in Brazil.

Valmet was one of the three finalists in the industry marketing category, competing with Bier Hoff and Neodent brands, and Valmet achieved the highest score. The main recognition of the sales, marketing and management areas of the State of Paraná, Brazil, which is promoted by the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (ADVB/PR), was held in Curitiba.
What's cooking?
The global advertising campaign to promote Valmet’s Continuous Cooking pulp production technology was a positive surprise for the jury, compared to the normal standard of campaigns in the B2B market. The concept makes an analogy of the wood chip cooking process to the food cooking process. Just like in the kitchen, Valmet’s Continuous Cooking system also needs raw material (wood) and depends on steam, temperature, impregnation (marinating) and time to achieve the result.
Beside online and offline advertising pieces and marketing actions making reference to the techniques of gastronomy, Valmet organized a launch event in Sao Paulo to provide detailed and relevant technical insight about CompactCooking G3 to the decision makers at the leading pulp and paper companies. This also included an exclusive dinner for customers that consisted of a cooking class with the renowned French chef Laurent Suaudeau. Product specialists from Valmet explained the new technology improvements, and the guests were able to cook with the chef, helping prepare the dishes that were served in the evening.
The launch campaign was taken in two steps: the CompactCooking G3 was presented at the 51st International Pulp and Paper Congress and Exhibition, promoted by ABTCP, in São Paulo. A press conference was organized to present the technology for the journalists. The other stage was directed to the technical public that participated of the 51st International Pulp and Paper Congress. The lecture given by André Domingues, process engineer, addressed the Radial Wash Duo system, included as standard in the third generation of Valmet Continuous Cooking technology.
In addition to Industry, Top of Marketing 2019 recognized the best cases in five other categories: Communication, Social, Services, Startup and Retail.
Next generation CompactCooking™ technology