Rapid start-up of second Advantage DCT line at Velvet CARE in Poland
Mar 15, 2022
Great teamwork and well proven technology paved the way for the super-efficient startup of the new Advantage DCT line at Velvet CARE’s Klucze mill in Poland.

The installation went by the book and the intermediate test were completed only two weeks after the first roll were winded. The machine is currently producing high quality tissue in an operating speed of 2 000 m/min and will increase the production capacity with more than 60%.
“This is a day to remember with tenderness and pride. Two years of hard work is over, and we have another modern machine park in Klucze. We would like to thank the entire Team involved in this undertaking. It was a great challenge, realized in difficult times of pandemic but ended in a spectacular success. It could be achieved thanks to fantastic cooperation” says Wanda Ciesielczuk Production and Technical Director Velvet CARE.
“I am very impressed of the experienced and skilled Velvet CARE team who took over the machine almost immediately after start-up without any overlapping period. It is notable how smooth and efficient the workflows when everybody is familiar with the technology and dedicated to work towards a common deadline. The collaboration on site has been remarkable and I am proud to be part of this project team” says Hans Englund, Project Manager, Valmet