Unleashing the power of MAST

Shiny butterfly valves

Navigating the MAST waters

Did you know that MAST (Maximum Allowable Shaft Torque) isn’t just an engineering parameter? It’s a safeguard for efficient, reliable, and safe valve operation. Understanding MAST ensures smoother flows and fewer surprises.

Cracking the MAST code

Maximum Allowable Shaft Torque (MAST) is crucial for reliable valve operation. Adhering to MAST ensures safety, longevity, and efficient performance. Strategies include optimizing actuator torque and selecting robust valve shaft materials. Additionally, understanding MAST empowers informed decisions.

MAST represents the maximum torque that a valve shaft can withstand during operation without risking mechanical failure. Imagine a quarter-turn valve, for example, a butterfly valve. When the actuator turns the shaft to open or close the valve, the shaft undergoes torque. MAST defines the upper limit of this torque, ensuring that the valve functions reliably and safely.

On this image
  • 1 Butterfly valves

Safety factor chronicles*

The term safety factor is commonly used in valve sizing for describing the relationship between the actuator output and the torque needed for valve operation. This safety factor requirement is typically defined in the technical specifications given by the customers. If the safety factor value is not given, a reasonable value is suggested based on our long experience in the field of valve design and field-proven technologies. 

During the sizing, the relationship between the MAST and the maximum torque output of the actuator should always be considered. This ensures that the MAST is not exceeded, and the selected shaft is strong enough to stand even the highest output from the actuator. 

Catastrophic valve failure? Not on our watch!

Understanding MAST in valve-actuator systems offers several customer benefits. Reliable operation is ensured by adhering to MAST limits. Valves operate reliably over their entire lifespan. This reliability minimizes unexpected downtime and maintenance costs.

Staying within MAST ensures that valves won’t fail catastrophically. In critical applications, safety is paramount, and adhering to MAST becomes non-negotiable.

Optimizing torque for valve longevity

Properly matched actuator torque based on MAST reduces stress on components, leading to extended service life. Optimizing actuator torque aligns it with MAST, resulting in energy savings and cost efficiency. When stringent MAST demands arise additionally to the actuator size optimization, focus needs to be on the material selection for the valve shaft. In summary, MAST knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions, enhancing system performance and safety.

*The wording in this chapter has been rephrased to separate the safety ratio related to the valve and actuator interface, and safety ratio related to actuator output and MAST value. 

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