Steel and cast iron Yankee dryers

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Lessons of the past for a high performing future - explore Valmet's Yankee dryers

Recorded webinar

The yankee dryer is a central part of all common tissue making machines and processes. Its basic design has remained unchanged for over 100 years. In the 1990’s steel fabricated yankee dryers became a viable alternative to cast iron for the manufacturing of creped tissue papers. 

In this Tissue Talks we look back at some of the arguments brought forward comparing steel versus cast iron. What have we learned in the last 15 years? What remains to be further investigated? 

Magnus Hogman

Magnus Hogman

Sales Manager at Valmet’s Tissue Mills Business Unit


Magnus, located in the Karlstad, Sweden office, is responsible for sales and marketing of yankee dryers as well as complete tissue lines and rebuilds.

He began his career at Valmet 1997, in the yankee dryer engineering department. Other positions within Valmet include being a structural analyst, R&D project manager for Valmet’s shoe press and extended nip press technology and product manager for the yankee dryers.

Magnus is an active member and past secretary and co-chairman of the TAPPI Yankee Dryer Safety and Reliability Committee.

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