Sustainability for investors


We believe that sustainability creates long-term shareholder value and enables us better to embrace opportunities and manage risks deriving from economic, environmental and social megatrends.

Valmet's Climate program

Valmet has created an ambitious climate program − Forward to a carbon neutral future − which continues our comprehensive sustainability work. Carbon neutrality means a balance between emitted and absorbed carbon. Achieving zero carbon dioxide emissions is possible by eliminating or offsetting carbon dioxide emissions.  ​

Our climate program includes ambitious CO₂ emission reduction targets and concrete actions for the whole value chain, including the supply chain, our own operations, and customers’ use of our technologies. These targets will be achieved without emission compensation. The program is aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement's 1.5-degree pathway and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The climate program's targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.​

Read more about Valmet's Climate program.


Sustainability risks and opportunities

Valmet's business and competition environment is subject to a range of risks and opportunities, due to the company's broad scope of global operations and its technology and industry diversity. Valmet has a systematic method for regularly assessing the probability and impact of sustainability-related risks and opportunities. The topics include climate change, health and safety, environmental management, human rights and labor rights and ethical business practices both in own operations and supply chain. Management of sustainability risks and opportunities is integrated into the multi-disciplinary, group-wide risk management process at Valmet.

During recent years, we have seen growing interest from our customers in optimization regarding e.g. energy, chemicals savings, efficiency of operations and availability of equipment. As demand for more environmentally efficient processes and end-products increases, companies' ability to respond to these needs can turn them into a competitive advantage. Climate change has influenced our strategy on highest possible level, described in our mission that is to convert renewable resources into sustainable results. 

Read more about Valmet's sustainability risks and opportunities


Sustainability reporting

Valmet's sustainability reporting in is in accordance with the GRI Standards from the Global Reporting Initiative.

Valmet also reports to several third-party sustainability ratings to help its stakeholders assess our sustainability performance.

In 2023, Valmet was included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the tenth consecutive year. The DJSI is a sustainability index family which includes the global sustainability leaders across industries. Valmet was listed both in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe indices.

Valmet has been reporting to CDP's climate program ranking since 2015 and achieved the best A rating in 2023. CDP is an international, non-profit organization that collects and assesses climate change information from companies and cities to help investors better understand the economic risks and opportunities that climate change presents to their portfolio companies.  

Read more about Valmet's sustainability reporting

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Our policies and related processes

Valmet's values, Code of Conduct and related policies form the foundation for sustainable business operations. We strive for globally consistent and transparent management practices so that all our stakeholders can reliably assess the company's sustainable operations and development.

Valmet's policies supporting sustainable operations:

Read more about Valmet's operating principles.


360o Sustainability Agenda

Valmet's sustainability Agenda, Sustainability360º, was renewed in February 2022. The new agenda includes environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspectives to sustainability and covers Valmet’s entire value chain including the supply chain, own operations and the use phase of Valmet´s technologies.  

The renewed Sustainability360º Agenda is based on a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the sustainability topics that are most material to Valmet’s business and stakeholders within the company’s value chain. All the main material topics have concrete targets and action plans integrated into the company’s annual planning process.

Read more about the Sustainability360º Agenda.