METEC 2023

Meet Valmet's representatives and Valmet's partner Connors Industrials
at METEC & 6th ESTAD 2023!
We are excited to announce our participation at the 6th European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD) 2023 which is run in parallel with the METEC trade fair on June 12-16 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Join us and learn more about Valmet's IR imaging solutions for the steel industry!
Come and listen to our insightful presentation!
June 14 11:30 - 11:50, S.11.1 Room 18a
“Experience with Specialized Infrared Camera Coupled with IR Imaging and Process Control Software
for VTD Operations”
– as presenters Valmet BDS and Connors Industrials Inc. teams.
Valmet is looking for steel IR camera and VTD software distributors and OEM partners outside North America.
For more information regarding partnerships, please contact
Dixit K.C., Sales Manager, Valmet, dixit.kc(at)
METEC & 6th ESTAD 2023
Only those who continue to develop their businesses remain competitive. The prerequisite for this development means being constantly informed about the latest and most sophisticated technological advances, exchanging ideas and initiating and expanding networks with clients, partners and suppliers. The 6th European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD) 2023 ran in parallel with the METEC Trade Fair.
The Steel Institute VDEh and its partners offered visitors the perfect opportunity to reach their objectives. At this event you acquired the latest information on new ideas and developments as well as on the state-of-the-art in metallurgical process technologies for iron and steel production, steel materials and steel application.
Register to join at METEC & 6th ESTAD 2023!
Come and see how we can move your performance forward with our unique technology, automation, and services offering!
On behalf of the whole team – Welcome!