Valmet Experience at TAPPICon 2024

Please join us for the
2024 Valmet Experience at TAPPICon!
When: Tuesday, April 30 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Eastern
Where: Room #6, Huntington Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio
This event is exclusive for Valmet customers and will provide an opportunity to network, and most importantly – get a hands-on look at our new automation capabilities. Our experts will be onsite to walk you through this exciting technology and we will also have refreshments and hors d'oeuvres. Check out the program schedule below, and we hope to see you there.
- 5:45 PM, Valmet DNA DCS – Discover how easy DNA is to use
- 6:00 PM, Mill-Wide Optimization - How to plan for “what-ifs” scenarios
Station 1
Valmet DNA User Interface
Come see the latest web-based User Interface for Valmet DNA. It concentrates on making the most meaningful information available to all process automation users according to their roles, regardless of their location. The new structured UI adds capability without complexity, enabling your team to perform better - in the control room and beyond.
a) The best user experience and the right information. At all times.
b) Role-base access for all users. Anywhere. Anytime. Any device.
c) Certified cybersecurity based on industry standards.
Mill-Wide Optimization
Unlock the full potential of your mill with Valmet Mill-Wide Optimization (MWO). A revolutionary approach to enhancing overall profitability. With MWO, mill production teams are equipped to make well-informed decisions that boost present and future performance by aligning the decisions across different process areas towards shared goals. Operating in real-time, Valmet Mill-Wide Optimization takes into consideration the entire mill balance and considers both the current and future states of the mill, including process area interruptions and slowdowns.
a) Production maximization and stabilization
b) On-spec quality and production at minimum costs
c) Visibility of process stream quality, cost, and worth across the mill
Station 2 – Valmet Virtual Mill
Valmet Virtual Mill is a digital design twin of the customer’s machinery and surrounding facilities. It can be used for training operators and maintenance workers before both the initial start-up and major shutdowns. A virtual learning experience.
a) Learning through experience
b) Increased knowledge retention
c) Lifelike maintenance scenarios
d) Improved workplace safety
Feel free to explore these stations during the Valmet Experience, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions!