Photos of Valmet technologies, services and automation

Copyright notice: Valmet Oyj

When using these images, please name Valmet Oyj as the image source. For commercial use, separate approval from Valmet is needed.


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Pulping images


1408_IMPERATRIZ_020 270.jpg

Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. Imperatriz pulp mill in Brazil

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SCA cooking and fiberline 270.jpg Valmet Continuous Cooking  installed at SCA Östrand pulp mill in Sweden

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1509_GUAIBA_120 270.jpg

Valmet TwinRoll Presses at CMPC Guiaba pulp mill in Brazil

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1509_GUAIBA_036 PDU 270.jpg Pulp drying machine at CMPC Guiaba pulp mill in Brazil

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Evaporation plant installed at APP OKI Pulp and Paper mill in Indonesia.

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Metsa Aanekoski RBO 270.jpg

Valmet Recovery Boiler at Metsä Äänekoski Bioproduct mill in Finland

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Wood chips handling system installed at Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper
Co.,Ltd. in China

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Board and paper machine images


Valmet paper machine


Valmet OptiConcept M board making line

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Valmet OptiConcept M      


Valmet OptiConcept M containerboard machine

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Valmet OptiConcept M


Valmet OptiConcept M containerboard machine

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Valmet paper machine


Valmet paper machine

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Valmet Pilot plant in Jyväskylä

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Tissue machine images


Valmet Advantage DCT200 tissue machine          

Valmet Advantage DCT200 tissue machine

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Valmet Advantage DCT200 tissue machine

Valmet Advantage DCT200 tissue machine

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Valmet Advantage NTT tissue machine

Valmet Advantage NTT tissue machine

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Valmet Advantage NTT tissue machine

Valmet Advantage NTT tissue machine

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Valmet Advantage TAD tissue machine

Valmet Advantage TAD tissue machine

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Valmet Advantage TAD tissue machine

Valmet Advantage TAD tissue machine

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Energy images



Valmet CFB Boiler at Mälarenergi in Västerås, Sweden serves as a base unit to meet the district heating power needs in the surrounding area.

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Wood pellet heating plant at Helen Oy’s Salmisaari power plant.

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Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto’s large-scale multi-fuel plant in Finland produces district heat and electricity for the surrounding area and process steam for the needs of nearby companies by utilizing biofuels at a very high efficiency ratio.
Technology: Valmet CFB Boiler (circulating fluidized bed boiler)

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langerbrugge_150x150.jpg   Stora Enso Langerbrugge utilizes renewable energy in paper production.
Technology: Valmet CFB Boiler (circulating fluidized bed boiler)

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Services images


1_Valmet Performance Center VPC 2021_O6A9289.jpg


Valmet expert serving customers remotely at Valmet Performance Center

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2_Valmet People_2019_50A1060.jpg

  Looking at results together with the customer

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3_SER2020_Remote Field Services_B2A9293.jpg

  Industrial Internet services

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  Remote services during the pandemic

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  Collaboration delivers results

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  Press felt inspection

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  Roll services

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  Field service professionals

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Automation images


Valmet_Automation.jpg Valmet has a comprehensive portfolio of automation solutions and services for process control and optimization.

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Valmet DNA Distributed Control System.jpg

Valmet DNA is a single Distributed Control System (DCS) for all your process automation needs.

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Valmet IQ, more than a Quality Control System (QCS).

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Valmet analyzers and measurement portfolio includes a long tradition of pioneering innovative measurement solutions for challenging process areas.

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Valmet Industrial Internet.jpg

The Valmet Industrial Internet -VII, Valmet Industrial Internet solutions help you turn your data into value.

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Valmet DNA Integrated Operations - simple and effective supply chain control for eg. LNG and biogas supply chain.

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