Valmet signs MoU with major Indonesian MEDCO group to develop biomass-based power solutions and brighten eastern Indonesia with renewable energy
Sep 19, 2023

Several Indonesian business representatives who are members of the delegation of the Indonesian Forest Entrepreneurs Association (APHI) and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry were visiting Finland to strengthen the forestry business in their country.
On the first day of the visit, Monday, September 4, 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed at the Indonesian Embassy in Helsinki between Medco Group and Valmet for the development of new and renewable energy (EBT) based on a mix of forest and agricultural biomass.
The Indonesian Ambassador to Finland, Mrs. Ratu Silvy Gayatri, witnessed the signing by President Director of Papua Project Medco Group, Mr. Budi Basuki, and Vice President, Energy Business Unit, Valmet, Mr. Aleksi Salmirinne.
Ambassador Ratu Silvy Gayatri considers the MoU between Medco and Valmet an important realization of the MoU between the governments of Indonesia and Finland regarding Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable, Clean and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, which was extended in April 2022.
Indeed, biomass, the main focus of Medco’s and Valmet’s MoU, is one of the priorities of both countries’ governments. “The collaboration between Medco and Valmet is ideal and complementary. Indonesia is committed to making the transition to green energy, and Finland has very advanced innovations in the field of clean technology. I believe this project will benefit not only Indonesia and Finland, but also the world,” says Ambassador Silvy.
Following Ambassador Silvy, Budi Basuki emphasizes Valmet’s support in the mission of the Papua Project: “Brightening eastern Indonesia with a biomass power plant.”
Through this project, Medco Group will again develop a biomass power plant (PLTBm) in the Papua region, with a detailed output capacity of 10 MW. The biomass used will be sourced from woodchips and agricultural waste. The use of biomass is projected to reduce the use of diesel oil by almost 15 million liters per year.
Valmet will provide energy-efficient modular solutions through its BioPower technology. The power plant’s special design will simultaneously enable the use of forest biomass and agricultural waste. Moreover, the modular design makes it convenient to install on remote sites in Indonesia.
In the picture:
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by President Director of Papua Project Medco Group, Mr. Budi Basuki, and Vice President, Energy Business Unit, Valmet, Mr. Aleksi Salmirinne. The Indonesian Ambassador to Finland, Mrs. Ratu Silvy Gayatri, witnessed the signing.