Valmet's website ranks #1 in Finland
Nov 23, 2022
This year, Valmet's website was ranked #1 in Finland in the Webranking by Comprend. In Europe, Valmet was ranked #12 among Europe's top 500 companies. The Comprend Webranking survey is the leading survey of the European websites. It uses 50 different core criteria and 50 in-depth criteria to evaluate corporate websites and their performance.

Valmet have improved their score by 4.2 points and have thus strengthened their position as the Finnish top performer further."
In the survey, received a total score of 75.4 out of 100. Last year ranked as #4 in Finland.
Webranking by Comprend ranks the largest companies in Europe based on market capitalization. The selection is based on the STOXX All Europe list, from which they pick the 500 largest companies to rank.
Comprend has defined 50 core criteria to evaluate the largest companies in Europe, reflecting what the capital market, media and jobseekers expect from corporate websites.