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Valmet Airborne Dryer afterwebinar

Valmet Airborne Dryer afterwebinar

Welcome to this afterwebinar hangout page. Hope you enjoyed the presentations in the webinar. Now you can relax, go get a cup of coffee and sit down and watch the videos you are interested in again. Below you will find the handouts from today. Thanks for your time and have a great day!

Behind the scenes of developing the world’s first true corrugator QCS

Automation solutions
Polymer Concentration Measurement

Polymer Concentration Measurement

The Valmet Polymer Concentration Measurement (Valmet PCM) measures polymer concentration in real time, enabling optimization of polymer use in industrial and municipal processes. This creates new opportunities for municipal and industrial wastewater plants, as well as paper and board processes. Eliminate the challenges in controlling polymer concentration for optimum performance.

Automation solutions
Reliable architecture

Reliable architecture

Valmet DNAe features an exceptionally reliable architecture, guaranteeing uninterrupted availability to keep your operations running smoothly. This rock-solid foundation is coupled with a secure, decentralized network model, allowing you to access all applications safely, whether they reside on-premise or in the cloud. The highly scalable system adapts to your needs, seamlessly handling everything from single machines to multi-site processes.

Automation solutions
Optical Low Consistency Measurement, LC

Optical Low Consistency Measurement, LC

Valmet LC is an optical consistency measurement, in a new generation of transmitters from Valmet.

Automation solutions
Valmet Stand-Alone Retention Control

Valmet Stand-Alone Retention Control

Valmet Stand-Alone Retention Control (Valmet RET) is a stand-alone control package utilizing the Valmet Retention Measurement (Valmet RM3) low consistency measurement and Valmet control hardware with state-of-the-art model predictive control.

Automation solutions
PID tuning and process control services

PID tuning and process control services

In a typical plant, many controls and processes are not operating optimally, which can result in less stable production, higher raw material usage, increased energy consumption and lower yield. Valmet PID tuning and process control services are designed to identify controls impacting performance and help you return to optimal production.

Automation solutions
Control System Migration

Control System Migration

Measurement Advisor

Measurement Advisor

Valmet Measurement Advisor is a tool to help you select the most applicable installation position for Valmet Blade Consistency Measurement in your process.

Automation solutions