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Wash press upgrade leads to improved performance at Navigator Aveiro pulp mill

Wash press upgrade leads to improved performance at Navigator Aveiro pulp mill

One of the latest improvements in Navigator Aveiro pulp mill is a wash press upgrade, that quickly after the start up led to improved consistency and lower Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in the washing line.

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The world’s largest wash press begins global journey to Brazil

The world’s largest wash press begins global journey to Brazil

During the first days of April the world’s largest wash press departed from Sundsvall’s harbor in Sweden heading towards its end destination, Rio Grande in Brazil. Transporting this massive piece of equipment required thorough preparation and attention to detail.

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Lignin is finding new high-value, low-carbon ways to replace fossil-based chemicals

Lignin is finding new high-value, low-carbon ways to replace fossil-based chemicals

Stora Enso, which has the strategy of being the Renewable Materials Company, is leading the way in developing new qualities of kraft lignin. This renewable raw material has big potential to substitute for less environmentally friendly polymers in a wide range of applications.

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Major expansions of the Södra Cell Värö mill

Major expansions of the Södra Cell Värö mill

Södra Cell Värö mill is an excellent example of how continuous strategic investment to increase capacity and competitiveness pays off in performance.

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Sappi Cloquet: New MC ozone mixer - when less becomes more

Sappi Cloquet: New MC ozone mixer - when less becomes more

Challenging the conventional approach of using two ozone mixers for pulp bleaching was worth it. As the first company using the new MC ozone mixer technology, Sappi Cloquet’s mill can now benefit from lower investment, maintenance and power consumption costs – and all this with only one mixer.

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Valmet supports Mercer Stendal's growth strategy

Valmet supports Mercer Stendal's growth strategy

In order to support Mercer Stendals growth strategy for environmental performance in combination with pulp production increase Valmet will supply rebuilds to the batch cooking plant, pulp dryer, lime kiln and in the bark boiler at Mercer Stendal pulp mill in Germany. All projects combine latest design and technology improvements.

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Ground breaking celebration at Amadeus project site

Ground breaking celebration at Amadeus project site

Valmet and its partner Fortes are breaking the ground at LD Celulose’s project in Brazil. The team has in May 2020 celebrated the “first pile in the ground” that will be part of the foundation of the drying machine building.

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Thorough planning brings success

Thorough planning brings success

Södra Cell Mörrum’s dissolving pulp line has been upgraded with new TwinRoll presses in the brownstock washing area, which will increase the production capacity. The installation followed after very careful planning.

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Borregaard installs first ProFlow inlet box

Borregaard installs first ProFlow inlet box

Borregaard in Norway is the first to equip its TwinRoll press with the new inlet box – ProFlow. The press has now been running for half a year without a single disturbance.

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Extensive heritage in lime kiln services in the pulp and paper industry

Extensive heritage in lime kiln services in the pulp and paper industry

In recent years, Valmet has invested heavily in lime kiln services; in training of field service specialists, launching of new products and launches in new markets.

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