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Valmet Wet ESP

Valmet Wet ESP

Valmet Wet Electrostatic Precipitator is ideal for processes where aerosol and solid mixtures need to be deposited with zero emissions.

VII for Energy Efficiency

VII for Energy Efficiency

Solution enables power plant operator to track boiler efficiency and to discover the improvement potential in real-time.

VII for Environment

VII for Environment

Solution enables real-time follow-up of emissions and optimization of NOx.​ ​

Field services

Field services

On-site and remote field services with high-level standards for safety and work quality for your machinery. Our target is to help you keep your machinery in the optimal condition for the best performance, so you can concentrate on your business goals.

Valmet's multifuel solutions

Valmet's multifuel solutions

High fuel competence is one of the ways that Valmet stands out from other boiler manufacturers. Around the world, we have more than 260 fluidized bed boiler references based on BFB (bubbling fluidized bed) and CFB (circulating fluidized bed) technologies, and most of them are designed to burn more than one fuel.

Roll maintenance

Roll maintenance

Valmet’s modular maintenance service solutions consists of roll maintenance, roll reconditioning, and roll upgrade services. These solutions help pulp producers achieve maximum performance with transparent and consistently high-quality maintenance services.

Forming fabrics for pulp drying machines

Forming fabrics for pulp drying machines

Valmet Forming Fabrics for pulp drying machines are designed to meet customer demands on good drainage, long running time, good stability in both MD and CMD direction, as well as good sheet support and sheet release.

Flat disc refiner

Flat disc refiner

The Flat Disc Refiner is a refiner of single-disc cantilever design with hydraulic positioning of the rotor disc and the front cover supporting the non-rotating stator disc.

Presteaming bin

Presteaming bin

Presteaming softens the raw material before the screw feeder and makes it easier to compress, thus improving the dewatering capability and decreasing the wear of the screw feeder.



The sudden expansion of the chips in the impregnator enables the chips to instantly soak up the impregnation chemicals provided to the impregnator.
