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In Technologies


Water handling

Water handling

Valmet offers water handling to clean or de-ice logs and remove stones and sand from the wood room.


Services for wood handling

Air emission control for pulp mills

Air emission control for pulp mills

Complete flue gas cleaning solutions for extensive air emission control.

Pulp drying and baling

Pulp drying and baling

Valmet offers best available technology for efficient and economic pulp drying and baling. Our wide and flexible technology offering facilitates several pulp grades with end products like dissolving, textile fluff and market pulp.


Pulp mill processes

Our wide and diverse portfolio for pulp production technologies offers adaptable solutions for any size, need, raw material and end-product. By working closely with our customers and placing heavy emphasis on R&D, we continuously expand our offering to our customers with new products and processes. Valmet offers innovative solutions for your pulp mill projects, tailored to fit your needs - all the while minimizing the environmental impact.

Advanced process controls  (APC) for Board and Paper

Advanced process controls (APC) for Board and Paper

Maximizing process performance is a critical success factor as it directly increases profitability by increasing production capacity, lowering end product quality variations, and reducing operational costs.

Board and paper
Pulp to Paper Optimizer

Pulp to Paper Optimizer

Valmet Pulp to Paper Optimizer is designed to control the properties of the paper by automatically stabilizing and optimizing the process variables to the most cost-effective level while maintaining the agreed quality.

Board and paper


Valmet’s fractionation concept optimizes board making potential and enables exclusively dispersing and refining of fibers that have high strength potential.

Board and paper
Screw pressing

Screw pressing

Screw presses are suitable for thickening a wide range of pulps. The design of the press is based on extensive experience of multiple applications in pulp and paper production and other industries.

Board and paper


Valmet’s Ultrafiltration process is a solution for paper, board and tissue mills in producing colloidal, bacteria-free, ultrapure water from white water.

Board and paper