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Flow control for construction

Flow control for construction

Reliable flow control for cement handling is crucial. Our abrasive-resistant Flowrox™ slurry pumps, control and shut-off valves are therefore ideal for construction industry.

Mechanical Seals

Mechanical Seals

To minimize the environmental impact Valmet has developed a new mechanical sealing system including double acting seals and closed loop water system which minimizes the water that enters the process. With this function you save fresh and waste water which results in reduced water costs and thermal energy savings due to less water to evaporate in the dryer.

Food industry

Food industry

Flow control and automation solutions for food and beverage.

Flow control for food and beverage

Flow control for food and beverage

Meeting increasing demand while maintaining safety is a key factor in the food and beverage industry.

Flow control for industrial gases

Flow control for industrial gases

Reliable valves, flow control and services for industrial gas processing.

Clothing/padding for chest ironers and presses

Clothing/padding for chest ironers and presses

Flow control for floating LNG

Flow control for floating LNG

Valmet's compact and high performance valves and flow control services offer floating LNG plants long lifecycle and trouble-free operations.

Valmet Marine SOx Scrubber

Valmet Marine SOx Scrubber

Valmet’s marine scrubber is designed to reduce sulphur emissions from exhaust gas by using a washing process. The solution fulfills the requirements of the International Maritime Organization’s MARPOL Annex VI SOx regulations and is certified according to the IMO MEPC.259(68) resolution. The scrubber system can be adapted to newbuild and retrofit installations.

A new web-based user interface for Valmet DNA in marine business

A new web-based user interface for Valmet DNA in marine business

The new Valmet DNA User Interface (DNA UI) extends the use of the automation system beyond the traditional engine room. It provides a more enhanced experience and view of process control and monitoring operations on board a vessel.

Protection against damage and accidents

Protection against damage and accidents

Valmet’s emergency shutdown system for flammable liquid systems, ventilation fans and other similar applications is designed as a fully redundant and standalone unit of the Valmet DNA integrated automation system. It ensures quick shutdown in case of emergencies, such as fire, blackouts or other incidents.