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Respectful work environment is rooted in our culture

Respectful work environment is rooted in our culture

Diogo Cavani from Sorocaba site in Brazil is responsible for projects business within South and Central America in Valmet’s Flow Control Business Line. We discussed with Diogo about his work career so far and what he thinks of Valmet’s culture.

Insights ● Career story
Greater flow rate with lower RPM - Increased volume of processed wastewater with Flowrox PC pumps

Greater flow rate with lower RPM - Increased volume of processed wastewater with Flowrox PC pumps

Since the installation of six Flowrox™ progressive cavity pumps in 2013 the customer has dramatically increased the volume of processed wastewater annually. Flowrox PC pumps operate at a lower RPM than competitive pump while producing a significantly greater average flow rate. The operators also appreciate how quietly the Flowrox PC pumps run.

Insights ● Customer story
Validated processes and competency enable long-term, safe operation of oxygen service valves

Validated processes and competency enable long-term, safe operation of oxygen service valves

Oxygen service valves operate in one of the process industry’s most hazardous environments. Oxygen is not flammable but supports and accelerates combustion. This means that oxygen service valves need to be designed, manufactured, tested and maintained to prevent this by mitigating the ignition source and contact with fuel. This article focuses mainly on cleaning, inspection methods and guidance on packaging, storage, installation, operation, and maintenance.

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Reinventing reliability through material science

Reinventing reliability through material science

Reinventing reliability - our company motto - is a critical mission that impacts technology and product development. Jussi Hellman, Manager of Materials Engineering at Neles (now Valmet Flow Control business line), reliability is very much the domain of material science. “More times than often, material wear is the root cause of failures, which leads to unplanned downtimes and production loss.”

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Careful, data-driven planning combined with OEM expertise is the key to a successful plant turnaround

Careful, data-driven planning combined with OEM expertise is the key to a successful plant turnaround

Process plants make a living by keeping their production lines up and running near-uninterruptedly, but in order to do that safely and efficiently they have to plan maintenance shutdowns, turnarounds and outages (STOs) at critical intervals. The purpose of an STO may range from performing repairs and cleaning the process to implementing major modifications and performing inspections mandated by operating license requirements.

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Digital solutions bring reliability and predictability to aging plants

Digital solutions bring reliability and predictability to aging plants

The current trend toward digitalization is not limited to new, greenfield plants. In fact, older plants may actually be in better ...

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How the right wear protection materials can extend valve lifetimes

How the right wear protection materials can extend valve lifetimes

Valve World magazine 'Top of mind' story | “If the wear protection materials are properly specified, valves can successfully contribute major improvements in process availability.”

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Improved customer services with attractive business models

Improved customer services with attractive business models

Today, virtually all industrial equipment manufacturers around the world are exploring how they can better serve their customers with ...

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Reliability means high uptime

Reliability means high uptime

Measured by uptime, Neles’ reliable globe valves have proven their capabilities even in the most challenging process conditions. Globe valves are widely used in oil refineries as well as in gas processing, petrochemical and chemical plants.

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Molecular sieving made efficient with smart valve selection

Molecular sieving made efficient with smart valve selection

The chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency, economics and safety of ...

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