OptiReel Linear

Safe one-level parent roll handling for trouble-free reeling

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OptiReel Linear is a completely new way to reel paper machine parent rolls. Instead of having a high structure reel spool storage and lowering arms, reel spools and parent rolls are moved on solid rails resulting in a continuous and trouble-free reeling process.

More saleable production

Easy operation and maintenance

Improved safety and reliability

Lower investment and life-cycle cost

More saleable production

Getting more saleable production is a combination of a number of factors. An optimal parent roll structure is achieved by accurate measurements & controls for all reeling parameters. Improved reeling quality for the critical parent roll bottom is a direct consequence of the one-level reeling. Efficient turn-up sequence, fast web break recovery sequence and optional parent roll surface binding minimize the production losses.

Capacity is also increased with OptiReel Linear due to bigger parent rolls. The parent roll size has a significant effect on overall material efficiency and capacity in the finishing area. By maximizing the diameter, it is possible to significantly improve output.

Optional center drives have proven to be excellent for preserving coated board surface and sheet properties. Since they eliminate slippage in the nip and between coated board layers during reeling, it is possible to wind large diameter rolls without scratches, gloss variations, dust or mottling. Furthermore, the possibility to use low nip load level ensures a bulkier sheet and even smoothness values in the top and bottom sets.

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Coated board handled with extra care

Center driven reels have proven to be excellent for preserving coated board surface and sheet properties. Since they eliminate slippage in the nip and between coated board layers during reeling, it is possible to wind large diameter rolls without scratches, gloss variations, dust or mottling. Furthermore, the low nip load ensures a bulkier sheet and even smoothness values in the top and bottom sets.

OptiReel Linear with primary center drive is the optimal application for medium-sized production lines. It is suitable for all paper grades and particularly to applications where large parent roll diameter is required to boost the dry end capacity. Parent roll hardness is directly affected by the center drives. See figure below.

Safe and easy operation and maintenance

Low structure of OptiReel Linear enables easy access to operating and servicing positions. There are no high structures to complicate maintenance actions. Additionally, the constructions on tending and drive side are similar. Optional transfer rails for full parent rolls automate the moving of the parent rolls.

For soft cover reel drums, it is important the reel drum change is fast. In conventional reeling, changing of the reel drum change might take even one day, because the primary reeling device must be dismantled. With OptiReel Linear, reel drum change takes only a few hours. There is no need to dismantle anything from primary nor secondary reeling devices.

One level reeling brings a number of safety related factors: There are no high structures, big roll masses are always frame supported, crane lifting height is smaller, there is no need to elevate spool & parent roll and all the spool and parent roll movements are well controlled.

Watch the video: OptiReel Linear in action at Liansheng Paper, Longhai site, BM10 producing kraft containerboard (China)

Klabin PM 27 - sustainable boardmaking in Brazil - featuring OptiReel Linear

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