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Spreader rolls

Spreader rolls

Spreader rolls ensure equal tension profiles for web and fabrics. Valmet brings its expertise in spreader roll technology to help you overcome these issues and provide safer and more efficient production.

Filter fabrics for fiberline

Filter fabrics for fiberline

Valmet offers high quality filter fabrics to boost production in the pulp bleaching and washing processes. They are designed to meet the requirements drum filters and double wire presses set for dewatering.

 Valmet Screen baskets

Valmet Screen baskets

Pulp quality together with screening and energy efficiency are the key components guiding our screen basket development for cooking and fiberline, pulp drying and mechanical pulping processes.

Industrial Internet – VII solutions for pulp

Industrial Internet – VII solutions for pulp

Valmet is your reliable partner on the road to an autonomous mill. Embedded intelligence in main process equipment makes predictable and autonomous operations possible.

Dewatering elements for board and paper machines

Dewatering elements for board and paper machines

Dewatering equipment beneath the forming fabric helps drain water from the stock and conduct it away into the whitewater system. We can offer you a comprehensive range of ceramics and polyethylene dewatering elements, and adjustable foils to suit all positions and OEM machine configurations.

Refining improvements

Refining improvements

Improve refining performance in a cost-effective manner.

Refiner Segments - Pro safe

Refiner Segments - Pro safe

Optimizing low consistency refining helps tissue machines to achieve their performance and production goals. While specific refining goals may vary from mill to mill, refiner segment pattern and design can have a substantial impact on refining efficiency.

Maintenance development and outsourcing services for tissue machines

Maintenance development and outsourcing services for tissue machines

Whether you’re running an new or existing tissue mill, the optimal target is to maximize reliability and optimize performance. To help you reach your targets, we work together for continuous success. In greenfield mills we can help to secure world class start-up curve and speed up the return of investment.  At existing tissue mills we can help customers to:

VII for production capacity in tissue making

VII for production capacity in tissue making

Valmet's production capacity for tissue consists of Industrial Internet solutions to optimize process capacity. The solution gives you advanced data driven services, which enables optimization of productivity.

Valmet Waste Fuel Feeder

Valmet Waste Fuel Feeder

Valmet has developed a unique solution,  Valmet Waste Fuel Feeder. It is essential for efficient combustion of difficult fuels like sorted household waste, industrial waste, demolition waste, plastic and paper, etc.
