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White water system

White water system

Solutions for improved capacity and highest possible filtrate quality

Board and paper
Valmet Disc Filter VDF

Valmet Disc Filter VDF

Valmet Disc Filter VDF can recover fiber from white water or thicken low-to-medium freeness pulp while producing high quality filtrate. When used as a thickener, it discharges at high consistency.

Board and paper
Bow Screens

Bow Screens

Valmet Pressure-fed and Gravity-fed Bow Screens are curved inclined screens that separate liquids and solids. Valmet's industry-leading portfolio provides effective fiber recovery from tissue machine white water, efficient polishing of filtrate for shower water use and flexible thickening of low consistency stock streams, discharging at two (2) to five (5) percent consistency.

Board and paper
Hybrid with shoe blade

Hybrid with shoe blade

A proven solution for hybrid forming is OptiFormer Hybrid, a former equipped with a top forming unit that uses shoe and blade technology. OptiFormer Hybrid utilizes unique VacuShoe technology to boost the output quality and capacity.

Board and paper
Sizer roll covers

Sizer roll covers

The film sizing and film coating process have a direct impact on paper and board quality, both on paper strength as well as on paper appearance. Moreover, as on-line processes they are critical for the paper machine line efficiency. This puts high demands on the sizer roll covers.

Board and paper

Contact our Valmet chemical systems experts

We are here to help! For more information, please answer the below questions first. One of our chemical systems experts will be pleased to contact you.

Board and paper
OptiDry Coat air dryers

OptiDry Coat air dryers

OptiDry Coat air dryers are designed for high drying capacity. Aided by patented air dryer nozzles, the dryers achieve uniform evaporation with minimum energy consumption, high efficiency and excellent runnability. We can prove you get the best paper quality and lowest energy consumption with Valmet air dryers.

Board and paper
OptiDry Chill web cooling

OptiDry Chill web cooling

OptiDry Chill web coolers offer excellent runnability and high cooling capacity due to their efficient nozzle technology. Maintenance costs are low because of the few wearing parts.

Board and paper
Valmet's transfer rails

Valmet's transfer rails

Inclined, gravity-operated rail system is a cost-efficient solution for medium-width paper and board machines. Loading of the cart is done with rail gates and transfer arms. Gravity operation is used while unloading of the parent roll from the cart. Improved safety is one of the main benefits with gravity-operated rail system.

Board and paper
Technologies for special papers

Technologies for special papers

We pay and get a receipt, eat hamburgers and bake cookies on baking paper. They are in our lives but seldom we stop to think about how special those papers and boards are. Every specialty paper and board grade has its own niche market and its own needs for the production process.

Board and paper