Topping-out ceremony at HOFOR’s power plant in Copenhagen
Mar 28, 2018
An important milestone was achieved at HOFOR’s Amagerværket power plant construction site in Copenhagen, Denmark, when the topping-out ceremony was organized on January 18th, 2018. Valmet’s delivery to the project consists of a biomass-fired boiler and biomass storage and conveyor system.

Kai Janhunen VP, Energy business from Valmet (on the left) and Jette Kristiane Ølshøj Pedersen, Project Director (on the right) giving a speech at the topping-out ceremony.
On schedule thanks to excellent cooperation
"The project has been technically challenging but work is progressing on schedule thanks to the excellent cooperation with our customer HOFOR," states Juha Särkijärvi, Project Manager from Valmet's Pulp and Energy Business. He adds, "Furthermore, the collaboration with the other suppliers has been good and the team spirit has been great."
The journey started back in May 2016 when Valmet and HOFOR signed the contract. The installation work was started in May 2017. Next, testing will start in autumn 2018, and the plant is scheduled to start heat and power production in spring 2019.
Environmentally-friendly heat and power
The Amagerværket power plant located close to the Copenhagen city center is by value Valmet's largest power plant delivery so far. The new plant will reduce CO2 emissions and support the Copenhagen's plan to become the world's first CO2-neutral capital by 2025.
The new boiler plant will replace an old 600 MW coal-fired plant, the operation of which will end after the start-up of the new plant. Valmet CFB Boiler (formerly CYMIC) uses circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology, and the conveyor system, feeding sustainable biomass into the boiler, utilizes low noise and dust emission transport technology. The boiler will use a total of 1.2 million tons of sustainable wood chips per year.
HOFOR is the largest utility company in Denmark with more than one million customers is the greater Copenhagen area. The company pays special attention to sustainability and renewable energy in its operations.
An overview of the plant with the Copenhagen city center on the background.
Valmet's delivery includes a 500 MW(fuel) Valmet CFB Boiler that uses circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology, the district heat capacity of which will be 415 MW. The power plant's net electricity production capacity will be approximately 150 MW. The biofuel storage and conveyor systems will have a capacity of 105,000 cubic meters. The conveying system will feed the boiler with 900 cubic meters of wood chips in an hour, which corresponds to one 18 meters long trucks with biofuel every six minutes, 24 hours per day.
Architectural illustration of the HOFOR BIO4 powerplant (by Gottlieb Paludan Architects)
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