Valmet's Capital Markets Day 2016


Find material from Valmet's Capital Markets Day 2016.

Valmet Capital Markets Day 2016

Valmet's Capital Markets Day for institutional investors and analysts took place in Helsinki on Tuesday, September 20, 2016. The event was arranged at Restaurant Sipuli (Kanavaranta 7, Helsinki). The aim of the Capital Markets Day is to provide information of Valmet's strategy and business outlook. The language of the event and material is English.

Presentations and webcast recording

Recording of the webcast

Recording of the webcast (mobile devices)

The event and the material are in English.

    Valmet’s way forward
Pasi Laine
President and CEO
  Services will grow over two times the market growth with improved profitability
Jukka Tiitinen
Business Line President, Services
  Growing via competitor replacements and market expansion
Sakari Ruotsalainen
Business Line President, Automation
  Carry on as the market leader
Jari Vähäpesola
Business Line President, Paper

Entering new markets in energy, strengthening position in pulp
Bertel Karlstedt
Business Line President, Pulp and Energy

  Must-Win status and actions forward
Juha Lappalainen
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Operational Development
  How Valmet will reach the new financial targets
Kari Saarinen