Valmet to supply a waste-to-energy boiler to Lidköping Energi in Sweden
Valmet to supply a waste-to-energy boiler to Lidköping Energi in Sweden

Valmet will supply a waste-fired steam boiler to Lidköping Energi AB in Lidköping, Sweden.
Valmet Oyj’s press release on February 27, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. EET
Valmet will supply a waste-fired steam boiler to Lidköping Energi AB in Lidköping, Sweden. With the new boiler, the company will be able to convert 130,000 tons of waste per year into district heat, industrial hot water, industrial steam and electricity, while also ensuring an environmentally safe disposal of harmful residues.
The order is included in Valmet’s orders received of the first quarter 2020. The value of an order of this size and delivery scope is typically above EUR 10 million. The new boiler is scheduled to start up in 2021.
“We are very proud of the improvements we will make. We will be more cost-efficient, produce more energy and, most importantly, improve our environmental footprint. Our environmental standards are already among the very best in the world, but now, we will take another step forward. We have good experiences of Valmet’s technology, but still for this investment, we followed a strict evaluation process to make sure that we got the best solution we could find,” says Stina Bergenheim, CEO at Lidköping Energi.
The new boiler from Valmet will replace two 35-year-old boilers, and Lidköping Energi will also take other steps to increase the recovery of energy from the fuel. When all upgrades are in place, the annual production of electricity can be doubled. Increased electricity production in Lidköping will lower global greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production based on fossil fuels.
“The boiler from Valmet represents proven technology that meets the EU’s Industrial Emissions Directive requirements by a wide margin. I am excited about the project and look forward to realizing it together with Lidköping Energi,” says Anders Victorén, Sales and Project Manager at Valmet.
Information about Valmet’s delivery
Valmet will supply the entire boiler unit with auxiliary equipment, such as fuel and ash systems. The delivery includes erection, commissioning, training and start-up.
The boiler will have a thermal capacity of 20 MW and will be based on Valmet’s bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) technology with Advanced Combustion Zone (ACZ™) for highly efficient low-emission control. The boiler will be able to run on a very wide fuel mix, including industrial waste, refuse-derived fuel (RDF), biomass and municipal waste. There are currently 20 ACZ boilers in operation, running on a wide range of waste fuels. The latest design changes have further improved the high service friendliness and corrosion resistance of this technology.
Valmet will supply a waste-fired steam boiler to Lidköping Energi AB in Lidköping, Sweden.
Information about the customer Lidköping Energi AB
Lidköping Energi AB is fully owned by the community of Lidköping in Sweden. The company has approximately 60 employees and it supplies 4,200 customers with climate-friendly district heat, electricity, and hot water and steam for industrial use. Lidköping Energi works to develop cost-efficient and modern energy systems that contribute to a more sustainable society.
Corporate Communications
For further information, please contact:
Anders Victorén, Sales and Project Manager, EMEA, Valmet, tel. +46 703 700950
Valmet is the leading global developer and supplier of process technologies, automation and services for the pulp, paper and energy industries. We aim to become the global champion in serving our customers.
Valmet's strong technology offering includes pulp mills, tissue, board and paper production lines, as well as power plants for bioenergy production. Our advanced services and automation solutions improve the reliability and performance of our customers' processes and enhance the effective utilization of raw materials and energy.
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