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Guide tapes, waxes and other accessories

Guide tapes, waxes and other accessories

Valmet offers 6 different types of guide tapes in polyester, polyester/Meta Aramid and 100% Meta Aramid and 3 different lubricating waxes for different working temperature ranges: up to 175ºC, up to 185ºC and up to 250ºC.

Plant maintenance and lifecycle services

Plant maintenance and lifecycle services

A single equipment failure can cost thousands in lost production. We can help you to prevent these failures and keep your plant running at its full capacity. Well-designed maintenance planning and effective service execution ensure the safety and availability of your field devices and reduce downtime.

Doctor blades

Doctor blades

Valmet offers a comprehensive range of doctor blades for all types of process needs in board and paper making. The continuous testing of blade materials and development of blades ensures the reliability and high quality of our doctor blades.

Service agreements for board and paper making

Service agreements for board and paper making

Helping you to meet and exceed your board and paper mills targets is the key driver in our everyday work. The best results are made with working together through the lifecycle of your board and paper machine processes, whether it’s about planning, start-up or operational phase. That way we are able to offer you the right combination of services for every stage in the lifecycle, ensuring the optimal outcome.

Roll service agreements

Roll service agreements

Valmet Roll Service Agreement gives you a stress-free life in roll operations. No more surprises or last-minute repairs. Together, we can tailor the agreement to your needs. Whether it’s about roll maintenance, roll covers, replacement rolls, or upgrades, you will always get the right combination of services for every stage of the lifecycle. Our intelligent roll solutions and remote support are also available to ease your everyday work and keep the process up and running without interruptions.

Roll upgrade services

Roll upgrade services

Upgrade services provide improved roll performance and productivity by applying new innovations into your existing roll base. Valmet modular maintenance solutions such as upgrade services are especially targeted for critical process rolls e.g. deflection-compensated rolls and suction rolls in board and paper making.

Roll types

Roll types

Shoe press belts for pulp drying

Shoe press belts for pulp drying

Valmet Black Belt shoe press belt responds to the demands the shoe press of a drying machine sets to belts. The belt features long lifetime and high impact strength, and contributes to high dry content.

VII for Pulp Quality

VII for Pulp Quality

VII for Pulp Quality is a solution to optimize the mills pulp quality.

VII for Chemical Efficiency

VII for Chemical Efficiency

VII for Chemical Efficiency is a solution to optimize the chemical efficiency of the washing and bleaching stages in the mill.
