Biomass for industrial kilns: Södra Cell, Värö, Sweden

Feb 18, 2013

Lime kiln related technical features:

  • Many fuel options: sawdust, forest residues, fresh wood, bark
  • Large scale applications with a single unit (20 -200 MW)
  • Valmet *) dryer technology secures full capacity of the existing system
  • Gas cleaning can be used as needed
  • Solution is also applicable for other industrial uses such as: Iron and steel production, Metal processing, Cement production, Chemical processes

A time-tested solution

Drying and gasification of biomass for increased fuel value is an innovation pioneered by Valmet. In fact, since 1987 a Valmet lime kiln gasifier has been operating at the Södra Cell pulp mill in Värö, Sweden. The process utilizes by-products from pulp production and offers pulp mills increased independence from the availability and unpredictable price developments of fossil fuels. The use of biomass-derived energy is generating considerable savings compared to oil or natural gas firing.

A natural fit

Powering a lime kiln with a biomass gasifier has proven to be a smart solution for several reasons. As the lime kiln is the only user of fossil fuels in a modern pulp mill, the mill can become CO2 neutral by replacing these fuels with biomass. Further, these biofuels are readily available at the plant, meaning that substituting oil or gas with excess bark or waste wood delivers the most economical result. The switch also removes the uncertainty of short and long-term oil shortages or price-hikes.

*) Metso until Dec 31, 2013