Enforcing new sustainability requirements

Mar 4, 2016

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In 2015, Valmet communicated its Sustainable Supply Chain policy and the requirements set therein to all its active, around 9,000 suppliers globally. The policy was also included in Valmet’s General Purchasing Conditions (GPC) and made an integral part of contract documentation and purchase orders.

The policy addresses Valmet´s requirements for its suppliers regarding business ethics, compliance, human rights and labor rights, occupational health and safety, environmental management and sustainability in products and services.

Valmet expects all its suppliers to comply with the sustainability requirements in the policy. Compliance with the policy is the starting point for entering into and maintaining all business relationships with Valmet. Valmet wants to work with partners who share the same ethical principles and ideology of responsible business practices.

The policy acts as a basis for supplier evaluations, self-assessments and third-party sustainability audits.