4-steps to energy efficiency: Benchmark your energy efficiency within the industry
Feb 28, 2023
Every board and paper mill is its own production line’s best expert. However, knowing only “your own pockets” is not enough, given that the industry is at a crossroads because of the current energy market conditions. At this crossroads, you need to partner up to take the right steps.

Aware of the above, paper mills are preparing to save energy – but many do not know which solutions really pay off. Valmet has initiated a 4-step approach, from realistic data-based targets to identifying problem areas and understanding optimization and investment opportunities.
The core of this approach is roadmap thinking: “With clear customer-based targets for every step, this approach maps a route to the required areas for improvement and their priorities,” says Pekka Linnomaa, Director, Paper Technology, EMEA at Valmet.
- The first step on this route is benchmarking, which participating in the Valmet customer survey makes possible. Benchmarking provides you with goalsetting data for the next steps.
- The second step is quantifying variabilities, which means identifying the variations of your entire machine line. This enables you to discover the peak energy consumption sources and optimize potential.
- The third step, optimization, offers tools for reducing variations in the sub-processes that need attention on your production line. Valmet provides a wide range of energy efficiency solutions and services for this purpose.
- The fourth and final step is investing in new technologies. Following these steps to energy efficiency, starting with benchmarking, opens a new insight into new technology, revealing what you really need – and when.
Valmet’s 4-step approach aims to identify problem areas and understand optimization and investment opportunities.
Benchmarking – a broader view of energy efficiency
Benchmarking provides you with a broader view of energy efficiency, enabling you to recognize your mill’s energy-saving potential. This benchmarking data is based on Valmet’s customer survey, which gathers worldwide production and energy efficiency information from hundreds of machines over two decades.
Comparing the performance and energy efficiency figures within your organization allows you to see where you are and where you could be, reminding you that just one or two percentage points can easily become visible in the bottom line.
With data benchmarking, we can roadmap variabilities and see how they impact our production goals. We can then choose the right approach forward to define optimizations and investments that match these targets,” says Toni Mäcklin, Valmet’s Global Sales Manager for Service Agreements.
Benchmarking offers you an effective tool to compare your mill’s performance with the competition’s.
Bridging the gap with the industry average
Knowing your own performance does not tell you where you stand against the others.
Benchmarking can help you see beyond the corporate limits, offering you an effective tool to compare your mill’s performance figures not only within your own organization but also anonymously with the competition. This enables your mill’s data to be compared with the industry and grade averages, bridging the gap between you and the market leaders – or if you want, widening it for your benefit.
Benchmarking of machine sections energy usage.
Participate in the survey and win by benchmarking data
The Valmet Production and Energy Efficiency Survey is a global online benchmarking survey for board and paper machines, giving an insight into machine performance and energy efficiency figures. By participating in the survey, you will gain access to the widest production and energy efficiency data available in the industry.
The survey consists of production and energy efficiency sections, with data gathered on a secure platform accessible to the survey participants for free. As a result, you will receive a written report consisting of thorough data, analysis and a summary.
Take the opportunity and participate in the ongoing survey now behind this link.
Energy efficiency – the industry’s next watershed moment?
The importance of energy efficiency cannot be denied in any industry, and as for board and paper, it will probably mark the industry’s next watershed moment.
The current energy situation, the demands on the circular economy and for the effective use of resources, and the lack of fresh water will probably make energy consumption the next prerequisite for success – or even for the continuation of business in energy-intensive industries such as board and paper making,” Linnomaa points out. “Given the prevailing world situation, it seems inevitable that inefficient resources, machines and mills will fade away from the business at some point,” he continues.
Aware of this scenario, Valmet has taken the initiative to help the paper industry on its journey to a carbon neutral future. As part of Valmet’s climate and sustainability offering, its Energy Efficiency Services aim to help mills prepare for the future and take the correct 4-steps to improving energy efficiency.
Participate in the survey and win through data Note: If you find yourself on a page that does not provide access to your personalized survey, it indicates that we have not yet activated your survey access. In such case, please contact us at this email address, and we will promptly grant you access to your survey: toni.macklin@valmet.com |
Read more about the survey and benefits of benchmarking: 3 benefits of benchmarking your paper machine performance
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