White liquor handling

White liquor from the plant should be of a consistent quality and have the optimal strength suitable for the plant. Modern digesters need a high and consistent quality of white liquor to produce the optimal pulp quality and yield.
The causticizing degree should also be as consistent as possible to avoid causing fluctuations in the digester. An increased amount of dregs and other NPE:s in the white liquor can cause problems at various points in the pulp mill, especially in the digester plant. With a fully automated white liquor filter from Valmet, you will always be one step ahead of any potential process disturbances.
Installing a pressure disc filter in an older system with clarifiers or tube filters also improves the green liquor balance in the plant. This will in most cases enable you to increase your production of white liquor with no adverse effect to the existing green liquor system.

Valmet White Liquor Disc Filter
This disc filter is a compact and fully automated unit that produces completely clear white liquor and washes the lime mud in the same machine. Very high white-liquor yield increases upstream capacity and eliminates the need for separate lime-mud washing.

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Our focus is to bring your performance forward utilizing our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of pulp process technology. Get in touch with our experts through your local Valmet office, or the link below.
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