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Recovery Boiler

Recovery Boiler

Valmet Recovery Boiler offers the highest possible efficiency and availability. The boiler is tailored for customer needs and demands by utilizing our proven solutions and the latest innovations.

BioCMPC project - A major upgrade of Guaíba mill’s line 2

BioCMPC project - A major upgrade of Guaíba mill’s line 2

CMPC acquired the Guaíba mill, located in southern Brazil in the Rio Grande do Sul state, in December 2009. The first line was originally built in 1972, and a second production line, Guaíba 2, started up in 2015. In 2021, CMPC decided to significantly invest in upgrading their operations.

Reference card
Reel drum covers

Reel drum covers

Valmet’s reeling solutions include high-precision manufactured roll covers and coatings ensuring excellent runnability and wear resistance in the reeling process. Whether your tissue is light or heavy, Valmet has the ideal roll cover for your reel spool and reel drum.

Roll types

Roll types

Washing and dewatering

Washing and dewatering

Valmet has focused on washing and dewatering for more than 50 years and is today a leading supplier of advanced wash press technology.

Screening and cleaning

Screening and cleaning

The pulp is screened at high consistency using screen baskets with narrow slots. High pulp consistency minimizes white water usage and provides a low passing velocity through the slots, which optimizes screening efficiency.

Field services for baling line

Field services for baling line

We strive to be your field service and maintenance partner in terms of preventive maintenance, spare parts needs and improvement opportunities for your baling lines. Bale Handling system consists of equipment with many moving parts and some with large complex hydraulic systems.

Field services for evaporation plants

Field services for evaporation plants

To get the most out of a maintenance shutdown, the evaporation plant should be regularly examined. Valmet’s evaporation inspections, audits and maintenance shutdown activites covers the plant safety, mechanics and the process. Any findings that require an immediate maintenance measure will be communicated directly to the customer. Our target is to help customers ensures high availability, performance and stable operations.

Services for fiberboard production

Services for fiberboard production

Valmet's fiberboard production services keep your fiberboard processes running reliably, optimize production line performance to its full potential and ensure competitiveness with the latest technology. Valmet's product portfolio contains the right tools to achieve these objectives with your wood handling equipment, chip washing, steam recovery, refiner segments and the defibrator system.


In this course you will learn about the defibrator system and the design and function of the included equipment.