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Adding value with product durability and recycling in the circular economy

Adding value with product durability and recycling in the circular economy

In a more and more resource-constrained world, we are committed to finding new solutions to advance the circular economy.

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Reliable performance with unique metal seat technology

Reliable performance with unique metal seat technology

When we talk about long-lasting performance in regards to our modular butterfly valves, we are talking about long term reliability and a valves ability to maintain the same high-quality performance across its entire operational life cycle.

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Celebrating 65 years of flow control experience

Celebrating 65 years of flow control experience

Did you know Neles’ roots date back to March 2, 1956, when the Finnish Antti Nelimarkka and Eino Santasalo registered their company, Neles Oy, specializing in industrial valves in the Finnish Trade Register? This year we are not only celebrating our first independent year after a partial demerger, but also our 65th anniversary.

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History of the Neles Q-Trim technology

History of the Neles Q-Trim technology

One of our best-known flow control brands, Q-BALL™, has its roots in 1978  when a French “valve expert” Roger Bey presented his low noise and anti-cavitation solution developed for the ball valve to Antti Nelimarkka, the founder of Neles company (now Valmet's flow control business line). Q-BALL was the very first brand in famous Q-Trim™ technology aiming to reduce noise in control valves.

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Career story – Ilkka Penttilä

Career story – Ilkka Penttilä

Ilkka Penttilä is Plant Director at Neles’ Horgau plant in Germany. Ilkka is an operations guy: he loves to work with production and real-life processes.

Insights ● Career story
How can reliable valve solutions support the sustainable conversion of waste into energy?

How can reliable valve solutions support the sustainable conversion of waste into energy?

Fortunately, the understanding that we must sustain our environment for future generations – and that it will take much more effort – is growing globally. One indication of this growing ambition is the increasing number of projects that no longer deposit waste into the sea, and, instead, aspire to derive the greatest possible benefit from it. But even after the best waste sorting and recycling, a large part of waste remains.

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How to improve valve service life in Catalyst Cracking Units

How to improve valve service life in Catalyst Cracking Units

A catalyst, by definition, is a substance that enhances a chemical reaction. In the refining industry, catalysts are extensively used in many upgrading processes. One common upgrading process in refineries is the Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit (FCC) unit, which converts heavier distillation cuts into lighter, more profitable products, such as gasoline. This unit has many severe service valve applications that require special attention to design and material selection.

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Reliability and performance with over 60 years of valve control experience

Reliability and performance with over 60 years of valve control experience

Did you know we have a long history in the design and manufacture of Neles™ valve positioners? For over 60 years, we have provided best in class control valves for pulp and paper industry. During the years, we have grown into a global provider of valve controllers for variety of industries. We interviewed Niklas Lindfors, Director, Positioners Product Center, about our journey to becoming a pioneer in positioner manufacturing.

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Flowrox valves control sludge flow in a wastewater plant without problems

Flowrox valves control sludge flow in a wastewater plant without problems

Flowrox pinch valves PV 500 E01 are successfully controlling the sludge flow in a Polish wastewater plant. Twenty electrically actuated valves were delivered in 2011 to Poland through Danish engineering company Krüger A/S and local Valmet Flow Control channel partner.

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Solutions for cavitation, noise and flow-induced torque

Solutions for cavitation, noise and flow-induced torque

Q: I need a solution for a demanding control valve application where the dynamic torque and cavitation have been challenging for conventional butterfly valves. Do you have any solutions in your product range? A: We would recommend our Neles™ Q-Disc™, which is available for our Neldisc™ and Wafer-Sphere™ butterfly valves. In short, Q-disc is a flow balancing trim designed to address the dynamic torque-related challenges included by flow in butterfly valve applications.

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