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Five for five with Lynn Violette

Five for five with Lynn Violette

"Math and science all the way! Just don’t ask me about spelling or grammar,” Lynn laughs as she answers our question about her interest in technology. As a child she dreamt about working for NASA or something in the space industry. Instead, the paper industry sparked her curiosity and for over 25 years now she’s been dedicating her knowledge to developing Valmet’s ThruAir® products.

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Asia Symbol PM 13 advances to a new high

Asia Symbol PM 13 advances to a new high

The construction and start-up of Asia Symbol Guangdong Paper’s (ASGD) PM 13 represents a new success. The project took just 17 months and started up on schedule in March 2022. Just four months later it reached a speed of 1,610 m/min.

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Valmet Clothing Days: Towards more sustainable papermaking

Valmet Clothing Days: Towards more sustainable papermaking

Valmet’s traditional Clothing Days were organized in Tampere, Finland, for the 15th time in October 2022. In addition to a full-day seminar with interesting presentations on paper machine clothing trends and customer success stories, the participants had the chance to mingle in social events and visit Fabrics’ local production facility.

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Optimized production at full speed

Optimized production at full speed

EcoPaper’s liner and container board machine 1 in Zarnesti, Romania, got all the benefits of the new Valmet Sizer Applicator Beams: availability, runnability, energy savings, and ability for full production.

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Make slitter adjustments safely, provide better paper quality

Make slitter adjustments safely, provide better paper quality

Operators must check and adjust slitters in a safe manner regularly for slitter positioning systems to perform well, including gap, sideload, overlap and angle.

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Valmet Fiber Flash Dryer – A flexible and energy-efficient new concept

Valmet Fiber Flash Dryer – A flexible and energy-efficient new concept

The demand for CTMP lines in recent years has driven Valmet to further develop its flash drying technology. The result is a flexible and energy-efficient system that can be scaled to the optimal size, using the best heat source at each pulp mill.

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Turning up the volume of CTMP production at SCA Ortviken

Turning up the volume of CTMP production at SCA Ortviken

The demand for newsprint and magazine paper in the world has decreased. To adapt to this change, SCA decided to shut down the production of newsprint and LWC at their Ortviken mill and focus on producing CTMP pulp instead.

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LD Celulose’s new mill meets the needs for sustainable dissolving pulp

LD Celulose’s new mill meets the needs for sustainable dissolving pulp

LD Celulose’s new mill in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Brazil, is one of the largest dissolving pulp mills in the world. The mill was started up in April 2022 and is setting new productivity and energy efficiency standards.

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Stora Enso and Valmet collaborate to develop next-generation lignin

Stora Enso and Valmet collaborate to develop next-generation lignin

Stora Enso and Valmet have started collaborating on next-generation lignin product and process development to drive Stora Enso’s lignin-based businesses and further improve the performance of the Valmet LignoBoost technology.

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NAPP and Valmet reach record success together

NAPP and Valmet reach record success together

Since its start-up in July 2021, Ningbo Asia Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.’s (NAPP) bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp (BCTMP) line, with a large scope of delivery from Valmet, has been hitting capacity records.

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