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An intensive, educational and successful bale handling project

An intensive, educational and successful bale handling project

In 2021, Nordic Paper Säffle invested in a new bale handling system from Valmet to controllably handle incoming pulp. The amount of received pulp increased, as the mill ended its production of sulfite pulp after 138 years and switched to using only purchased sulfate pulp for its paper machines.

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Successful start-up at Sun Paper’s Beihai Mill in China

Successful start-up at Sun Paper’s Beihai Mill in China

Bright news from Sun Paper’s Beihai mill in China. At noon on the 6th of December 2021, Sun Paper’s new fiber line was successfully started up and produces bleached pulp.

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Simulators increase efficiency and reduce operations risks in Klabin Puma II

Simulators increase efficiency and reduce operations risks in Klabin Puma II

An important item to ensure safety and equipment performance, as well as the quality of training of operators are the simulators, where operators can be trained in a virtual environment.

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Acesso remoto ao analisador de celulose auxilia o controle de parâmetros

Acesso remoto ao analisador de celulose auxilia o controle de parâmetros

Durante a pandemia de Covid-19, a Valmet desenvolveu soluções remotas completas para clientes de celulose e papel como uma nova maneira de continuar sua produção com segurança para funcionários e clientes.

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3 Questions on Wash Press Efficiency

An Expert interview with Bruno Baggio, Technical Engineer, Valmet NA delves into wash press efficiency.

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Chemical recovery articles

Zero accidents at the Obbola lime kiln project site

Zero accidents at the Obbola lime kiln project site

SCA Obbola lime kiln project in Sweden was executed without any lost time incidents for Valmet’s own employees and contractors at the site.

Insights ● Customer story
Energy efficiency and improved maintenance with new 2-stage Lime Kiln Cooler

Energy efficiency and improved maintenance with new 2-stage Lime Kiln Cooler

The first 2-stage Rotary Lime Kiln Cooler was delivered to Södra Cell Mörrum in 2019. The new cooler was a result of innovative engineering and customer demands meeting at the right time.

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Valmet Pulper Feed System

Valmet Pulper Feed System

Valmet’s modularized pulper feed system is flexible and offers a suitable solution for any paper, board or tissue mill. It increases safety, availability and productivity while reducing lifecycle costs.

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SCA starts world’s largest softwood pulp line

SCA starts world’s largest softwood pulp line

The world’s biggest production line for bleached softwood kraft pulp is now up and running in Sweden. SCA’s massive Helios project, which involved a complete rebuild of the existing Östrand pulp mill, is a textbook example of how a successful project should be executed.

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