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From waste to energy

From waste to energy

Zibo Green Energy New Energy is the first in China to utilize Valmet’s advanced circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler technology. Besides raising its performance to the next level, their example is setting the direction for the entire municipal Waste to Energy segment.

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Helen produces energy in a climate neutral way with a new wood pellet heating plant

Helen produces energy in a climate neutral way with a new wood pellet heating plant

With its new wood pellet heating plant in the middle of the Finnish capital, Helen Ltd. is producing the best city energy in the world in a climate neutral way.

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Eneco Bio Golden Raand: green energy with recycled wood chips

Eneco Bio Golden Raand: green energy with recycled wood chips

Recycled wood chips are converted into green energy at Eneco Bio Golden Raand, the largest and most efficient biomass-fired plant in the Benelux countries. High performance and availability have been achieved through long-term cooperation with Valmet.

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Valmet’s wet flue gas desulfurization technology (FGD) combines SOx and NOx removal

Valmet’s wet flue gas desulfurization technology (FGD) combines SOx and NOx removal

Innovative thinking has expanded the capabilities of Valmet’s wet flue gas desulfurization technology (FGD). Instead of just removing sulfur (SOx), the system can capture nitrogen oxide (NOx) as well – and do both sustainably and economically.

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Waste heat is closer than you think

Waste heat is closer than you think

Integrating an industrial heat pump application into a flue gas condensing plant is an efficient way to capture the value of waste heat streams. Existing power plants already have all the necessary connections and systems in place to allow easy use of this most common waste stream in energy production.

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EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH operations have been incorporated in Valmet

EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH operations have been incorporated in Valmet

EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH has been incorporated in Valmet GmbH. The company's operations are now part of Valmet’s Pulp and Energy business line’s Environmental Systems technology unit.

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Valmet-delivered biopower plant heats our workshop carbon neutrally

Valmet-delivered biopower plant heats our workshop carbon neutrally

Naistenlahti 3 biopower plant delivery to Tampereen Sähkölaitos was designed and manufactured in most parts close to its destination in Tampere. The plant produces carbon-neutral district heating for the Valmet's Lahdesjärvi facilities, reducing its CO2 emissions and thus supporting Valmet in reaching its Climate Program targets.

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New BFB Boiler delivers significant savings

New BFB Boiler delivers significant savings

Having commissioned Boiler 5, a Valmet BFB Boiler that runs on sludge and paper rejects, WEIG saves fuel and waste disposal costs, as well as generating more energy. A long-term service agreement with Valmet also ensures optimal operation.

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Introducing Valmet black pellet plant

Introducing Valmet black pellet plant

The primary use of black pellets is to replace fossil coal in power plants. It is safer, more cost-efficient and delivers more energy than white pellets. The carbon emission reductions compared to traditional fossil fuels are significant. Valmet can deliver a complete production plant, from biomass infeed to black pellets out.

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3% savings in vessel fuel consumption

3% savings in vessel fuel consumption

As energy prices rise, more and more attention must be paid to reducing consumption while still keeping the vessels in operation. Valmet’s innovation offers remarkably improved fuel efficiency.

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