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Valmet joins National Children's Day celebrations in Thailand

Valmet joins National Children's Day celebrations in Thailand

As one of the local projects under Valmet’s social responsibility program, we have joined forces with The Mirror Foundation in Thailand to help children have better learning and living conditions in the country’s northern Chiang Rai province. In January, we were invited to participate the National Children’s Day celebrations at two local schools.

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Video: Valmet supports Save the Children’s Child Sensitive Social Protection project in Dungarpur

Video: Valmet supports Save the Children’s Child Sensitive Social Protection project in Dungarpur

In 2020, Valmet started to support Save the Children’s Child Sensitive Social Protection project in Dungarpur. Valmet makes annual donations with a target to increase children’s education and improve the care for vulnerable children.

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Forward with solar power

Forward with solar power

Valmet’s Lentokentänkatu and Rautpohja facilities in Finland have been converted into solar power stations. This means that on sunny days days, these locations can utilize a good number of green energy.

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Valmet’s Innovation Pathways global training program brings results

Valmet’s Innovation Pathways global training program brings results

Innovation Pathways, one of Valmet’s global training programs, is designed to support Valmet’s profitable growth and build an innovation culture.

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Valmet’s core commitment: Safety comes first

Valmet’s core commitment: Safety comes first

For Valmet, safety comes first in all the company’s operations. The commitment to safety builds upon three steps: Know it, Believe it and Show it.

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Valmet reconfirmed as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe

Valmet reconfirmed as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe

Valmet was reconfirmed as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe since September 21, 2018

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Valmet adds two new minimum safety standards to advance safety culture

Valmet adds two new minimum safety standards to advance safety culture

Valmet is committed to protecting the health, safety and environment of our people, partners, customers and the communities where we operate. Promoting safety culture is in focus as we strive towards our goal of zero harm.

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Valmet’s strategy programs win in Excellence in Practice Awards

Valmet’s strategy programs win in Excellence in Practice Awards

Valmet’s Forward Strategy and Fast Forward programs have been recognized as the best Organizational Development programs by The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in its annual Excellence in Practice Awards (EiP).

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Supplier sustainability audit kicks off a cycle of positive developments

Supplier sustainability audit kicks off a cycle of positive developments

"All companies should demand responsible conduct from their suppliers and thus ensure they operate responsibly throughout the value chain. This means hard work, of course, but can really make a difference on our way towards a more sustainable future," says Laura Puustjärvi, Head of Sustainability at Valmet.

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Valmet supports education of children with SOS Children's Villages of India

Valmet supports education of children with SOS Children's Villages of India

For over 50 years, the SOS Children's Villages of India has been providing family-based care for parentless or abandoned children in India. Valmet has been supporting the organization since 2007 by helping its work to benefit children in need of care and protection.

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