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Improving reel turnups for low downtime and high paper yield

Improving reel turnups for low downtime and high paper yield

The reel turnup process must be perfect in order to maintain high quality end product and avoid downtime. Successful turnups share key aspects, while others may benefit from a technology upgrade.

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Hydraulic controls improve performance, reliability - case study

Hydraulic controls improve performance, reliability - case study

In this case study, Valmet helped a northern USA mill upgrade its hydraulic controls to remove obsolescence, while also improving runnability and reliability.

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Start with an audit - common reeling problems and their solutions

Start with an audit - common reeling problems and their solutions

Valmet offers reel audits and assessments to help fully understand all aspects of a reeling problem. Discussed here are some common items found when Valmet assesses reel operational challenges.

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Instructions for safely taking and using calender nip impressions

Instructions for safely taking and using calender nip impressions

Nip impressions are usually taken at installation or to investigate causes for poor paper quality. Taking nip impressions is dangerous if not performed correctly, and should only be done by trained personnel.

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Winding principles part 1 - TNT overview, effect of web tension

Winding principles part 1 - TNT overview, effect of web tension

This article is the first in a short series which will explain how web tension, rider roll pressure, and drum torque ratio affect roll quality. Illustrations of key components and control principles will be presented. The series starts with an overview and discussion of web tension.

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Measuring wound-in tension - WIT-WOT and gap test methods

Measuring wound-in tension - WIT-WOT and gap test methods

Among the most important factors determining the quality of a finished paper roll is consistent roll structure. Wound-in tension is the most important component of roll structure. The WIT-WOT and Gap Test are methods of measuring wound-in tension.

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Headbox apron shower troubleshooting variables, and a case study

Headbox apron shower troubleshooting variables, and a case study

The key word in papermaking is uniformity, and the apron shower plays a primary role in maintaining this characteristic. Shower water volume, pressure and temperature are critical factors. The case study involves the three indicators of a thermal bow problem in the apron lip.

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Roll grinding procedures, wheels, belts, setup, end relief, tips

Roll grinding procedures, wheels, belts, setup, end relief, tips

Successful roll grinding depends on many factors. The knowledge and experience of an operator, the condition of the roll grinding equipment, and continued preventive maintenance of equipment, all contribute to the ability to meet dimensional tolerances and surface finish requirements.

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Saturated steam enthalpy table, steam mechanism, optimizing tips

Saturated steam enthalpy table, steam mechanism, optimizing tips

At the end of this article is a typical enthalpy table for saturated steam. You can use this type of chart to determine what the temperature is inside a dryer can at a given pressure. We also provide some tips for sizing lines, measuring temperature and monitoring condensate pressure.

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Example equipment update analysis - rebuild/replace/add a winder?

Example equipment update analysis - rebuild/replace/add a winder?

When examining an older piece of equipment that does not meet today’s performance requirements, a mill must determine if it should be rebuilt or replaced.

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