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How to maintain peak performance in a gas turbine plant

The worldwide gas turbine market is expected to grow over the long run by 3.5% per annum. This growth is being driven by increasing industrialization and urbanization combined with the rising demand for electricity.

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Propane dehydrogenation: solving the propylene production puzzle with reliable valves

Propane dehydrogenation: solving the propylene production puzzle with reliable valves

Propylene is the second most valuable intermediate in the petrochemical industry after ethylene. Are you able to keep your production of propylene up at the right levels to meet increasing global demand? It may be that your propylene production is compromised by an inefficient process. How can better valves help you boost your production and reduce cost?

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How transparent collaboration leads to higher performance

How transparent collaboration leads to higher performance

Maintaining a plant is a challenge that requires deep knowledge and great listening abilities. When it comes to keeping valves at peak performance, we need to listen to plant personnel, suppliers and to the valve itself. When plant maintenance and reliability managers consider all sides, they get the full story and the best valve performance.

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Sustainable solutions for reliable performance

Sustainable solutions for reliable performance

People often think of sustainability as greener, eco-efficient actions, but we at Neles have revised our sustainability agenda for a more comprehensive approach. As the world around us is changing and global megatrends are putting pressure on more sustainable operations worldwide, our goal is to be the reliable partner offering sustainable solutions for our customers. We want to protect people, process performance and the planet by prioritizing sustainability in everything we do.

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Does your MRO strategy support the required maintenance efficiency targets?

Does your MRO strategy support the required maintenance efficiency targets?

To achieve optimum uptime, advanced plants are striving to manage their assets with a more proactive maintenance approach in addition to targeting more reliable and safer operations. Being proactive includes reactive, preventive and predictive methods to find the right approach for each asset based on their criticality to the process environment.

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How are valves important in our everyday lives?

How are valves important in our everyday lives?

Did you know that valves play an important role in our everyday lives? Wherever fluids move in a pipe, valves are needed to secure their safe and reliable flow. And this happens in most process industries – and even to make products or materials that might surprise you. Millions of valves are working day and night in various industries globally. Let’s talk more about this and reveal some fascinating facts about valves.

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Ensuring a sweet flow – valves for reliable sugar production

Ensuring a sweet flow – valves for reliable sugar production

The world needs sugar. Sugar is more than a sweet delight for households; it’s also used in various industrial applications. Global sugar consumption is around 180 million tons per year. That’s a lot of sweet stuff to be produced. Did you know that valves are extensively used in the production process? Read on to learn more about the sweet flow.

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Maximize reliability with modern, data-driven shutdown planning

Maximize reliability with modern, data-driven shutdown planning

Turnaround, shutdown, and outage valve scopes have a significant impact on future plant performance. Good planning, management and documentation are essential, but higher targets have also accentuated the need to better target maintenance and consider opportunities for improvement. Want to learn proven methods and tools to leverage data and ensure successful shutdowns? Read on and join my presentation at Valve World Expo.

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A formula for safety in pharmaceutical industry processes

A formula for safety in pharmaceutical industry processes

Safety, timeliness, and consistency are essential ingredients for creating quality products. But what impact do these concerns have on your process environment? Manufacturing reliable products and sustaining an efficient, hygienic process are vital components of your plant operation.

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Material solutions for maximum safety of hydrogen valves

Material solutions for maximum safety of hydrogen valves

Q&A: Does hydrogen present any special issues relative service hardware compared to other gasses? 

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