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Towards improved environmental efficiency

In 2015, Valmet took steps towards improved environmental efficiency in all production facilities. Our focus was on rationalizing the production footprint, upgrading existing processes, and applying best available technologies. In this article, Valmet’s Global HSE manager, Victoria Larsson comments a few topical questions.

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Save raw materials with foam forming?

Save raw materials with foam forming?

Valmet's R&D work focuses on improving energy and raw material efficiency of papermaking. Recent studies indicate that a lighter end product could be created with foam forming technology.

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Roll service agreement increases reliability

Roll service agreement increases reliability

Close partnership with Valmet increased cost efficiency and roll availability.

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Stora Enso Imatra Tainionkoski BM 5: Efficiency through living and breathing safety

Stora Enso Imatra Tainionkoski BM 5: Efficiency through living and breathing safety

Safety was the driving force behind modernizing a paper machine for Stora Enso in Finland. To ensure mills safety performance, Valmet delivered safer winder and transfer rails from reel to winder, and measurements and controls for the BM5.

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Faced with an automation upgrade at its Delipapier plant in Frouard, France, Sofidel took the advanced step of virtualizing the control and quality systems on tissue machine 1.

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Valmet’s participation in InnoEvent led to fresh new ideas

Valmet’s participation in InnoEvent led to fresh new ideas

Valmet asked student teams to bring in new ideas related to team work, thriving together and boosting inner motivation in an annual five day innovation festival InnoEvent in Tampere Finland.

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360°Rolls -  performance up, costs down

360°Rolls - performance up, costs down

By questioning their current operating models, paper mills greatly increase the chances of success in the search for lower costs, better availability, and higher efficiency. Valmet’s 360°Rolls approach enables papermakers to achieve better results with a 360° view of rolls and the roll environment.

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Irving boosts jumbo set throughput with iRoll

Irving boosts jumbo set throughput with iRoll

More even tension profiles cut winder wrinkling and reduce breaks and cull. Jumbo roll set count raised from two to four. Irving Paper has managed to improve its customer roll throughput and the hardness uniformity

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Valmet IQ - The smart way forward in quality management

Valmet IQ - The smart way forward in quality management

For pulp and paper producers, the business environment has never been tougher. To meet the demands for ever more competitive and efficient production Valmet introduces a totally product family concept for on-line quality control and monitoring of the paper making process.

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Sharing know-how improves winder performance

Sharing know-how improves winder performance

Today’s winding processes are highly automated with fewer operators and maintenance people involved. To enable even better winder performance, Valmet has developed a new way to systematically work together with the customers.

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