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Flow control solutions for ethylene cracker furnaces

Flow control solutions for ethylene cracker furnaces

This is Part 1 of our series of three posts on valve selection for ethylene cracking. Ethylene is a basic building block in the chemical industry, and is the link between chemical companies and petroleum refiners. An ethylene plant, also well known as a steam cracker, is often and correctly called an olefin plant because of the fact that the end products are primarily olefins, mainly ethylene, propylene and butadiene.

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Digital business ecosystems to boost pulp and papermaking projects and processes

Digitalization is a hot topic in the pulp and paper industry as well as among the suppliers to this industry. What does digitalization mean in practice? What kind of opportunities does it provide?

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Network your way to better business

Network your way to better business

An expert article on utilizing the possibilities of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Focus on bioproducts, such as pulp...

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Advanced metathesis unit valves support reliable propylene production

Advanced metathesis unit valves support reliable propylene production

Metathesis is one of the most common propylene production methods, but it can only be profitable if the production unit is reliable. So how do you ensure the reliability of your metathesis unit? For one thing, it means a unit supported with top-quality valves specifically selected for their purpose.

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How to boost compressor performance

If you’re involved in manufacturing compressors or turbos, you know the future is bright. Industrial use of compressed gas and air is growing steadily. The latest financial reports forecast this market’s vigorous growth because all gases are produced using large, powerful piston, screw or turbo compressors. New and refurbished compressors and auxiliary devices are increasingly needed in different applications. This includes their use in gas separation plants, the growing number of gas turbines around the world, the increasing use of LNG on vessels, in pneumatic equipment or even the development of new petrochemical processes.

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The flow around us

Did you know that approximately 75% of world's pulp flows through Neles' valves? Read more about the meaning of valves and our story.

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Valve portfolio built on innovations

Valve portfolio built on innovations

In 1973, Antti Nelimarkka, the creative engineer behind Neles range of valves, came up with an idea that was fine-tuned until production commenced in 1975. For the valves to be more reliable in demanding conditions and applications, Nelimarkka thought of using a metallic seat ring instead of a rubber one—and the game-changer was born.

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Consider partnering with Valmet for Resident engineer services

Consider partnering with Valmet for Resident engineer services

At Valmet, we understand the challenges you face to maintain your installed base of valves on a day-to-day basis.

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Mobile 3D measurement – a new unique method to determine the right service for valves

Mobile 3D measurement – a new unique method to determine the right service for valves

Have you ever been worried about the reliability of your valves during an extended operating period? Can you be sure that off-the-shelf spare parts can meet the targeted life cycle? Did you know there are new unique measurement methods to cut maintenance costs and to increase the availability of your production? Let us explain.

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Better data utilization breeds reliability

Accurate and up-to-date installed base data is the foundation for achieving reliability. Being able to work together with a customer to harness the power of data is helping transform us from a vendor to a true reliability partner.

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