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Production world record at OKI Pulp & Paper Mills

Production world record at OKI Pulp & Paper Mills

The drying machine 1 at OKI, a project carried out by APP with technology supplied by Valmet, has achieved a new production world record in April 2018

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Excellent results with Valmet’s ceramic press roll covers at Stora Enso Guangxi

Excellent results with Valmet’s ceramic press roll covers at Stora Enso Guangxi

Recently, Valmet successfully delivered the second press ceramic cover to Stora Enso’s Beihai mill’s BM 1. This repeat order benefited from the successful execution of a press roll optimization project in 2020. BM 1’s press section fully meets the mill’s production requirements.

Insights ● Customer story
Flow control insights

Flow control insights

Flow control expert blogs, industry insights, customer stories and Q&As – all in one place

A huge leap into a carbon-neutral future at Oulun Energia

A huge leap into a carbon-neutral future at Oulun Energia

Oulun Energia intends to achieve carbon neutrality in its energy production by 2035, simultaneously boosting the circular economy. Its new Laanila biopower plant in Oulu, Finland, features maximum fuel flexibility and high utilization of various side streams.

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Decarbonizing with technology

Decarbonizing with technology

How can the making of pulp and paper become carbon neutral? In this episode, Pirita Mikkanen, Vice-President of Energy at Metsä, and Janne Pynnönen, Head of R&D at Valmet, discuss when and how this can become a reality: What is the role of technology in reducing emissions and what kind of technologies will enable such reductions even more in the future.

Insights ● Podcast
Rebuild concept improves the performance of Laakirchen Papier’s PM10

Rebuild concept improves the performance of Laakirchen Papier’s PM10

Laakirchen Papier was looking for ways to improve the web stability of their PM10 machine and to prepare it for future production increases. Thanks to Valmet’s rebuild concept, they were quickly able to achieve their target to increase production speed.

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Board and Paper Newsletter

Board and Paper Newsletter

Subscribe to Valmet's Board and Paper Newsletter.

Seinäjoen Energia: important milestones and handover around the corner

Seinäjoen Energia: important milestones and handover around the corner

A new boiler plant for district heat production to Seinäjoen Energia Oy’s Kapernaum heat plant in Seinäjoki, Finland is taking significant steps forward in producing carbon neutral district heat.

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Pulping and fiber articles

New era of efficiency and environmental performance

New era of efficiency and environmental performance

ARAUCO’s historic MAPA project faced several challenges but was ultimately a success. The energy efficient technologies, a high-power recovery boiler and a biomass boiler enable ARAUCO’s carbon neutrality and the delivery of renewable energy to the national electrical grid.

Insights ● Customer story