Metso's Nomination Board proposes eight members to the Board of Directors
Metso Corporation's stock exchange release on January 28, 2011 at 1:15 p.m. local time
Releases ● Neles news archiveMetso's Nomination Board proposes eight members to the Board of Directors
Metso Corporation's stock exchange release on January 28, 2011 at 1:15 p.m. local time
Releases ● Neles news archiveTechnological integration and commercial streamlining. Pillars of the new Körber ecosystem to the benefit of customers.
Thanks to an innovative approach, technologies developed by the Körber Group as well as by highly qualified external partners are integrated into a single solution embracing the entire value chain.
Releases ● Körber Business Area Tissue news archive/TissueDeep dive into the ‘home of entrepreneurs’: Körber Group to host first 24-hour global virtual career day
Durante o Career Day da Körber, trainees e estudantes, bem como profissionais experientes, em diferentes partes do mundo, terão a oportunidade de conhecer a Körber. As equipes da Körber de diversas localidades guiarão virtualmente os participantes pelas Áreas de Negócios do Grupo. As sessões sobre os principais tópicos serão repetidas com base nos fuso-horários para permitir que os participantes assistam ao evento completo.
Releases ● Körber Business Area Tissue news archive/TissueSyassky PPM expands its business in the Fold sector thanks to the production lines for interfolded products and Kӧrber’s Customer Service
Syassky PPM has identified the MTC ITF Towel, Automatic interfolding line for the production of V-folded Hand Towels, as the best solution for its market needs.
Releases ● Körber Business Area Tissue news archive/TissueSafe return to the classroom: nearly 70,000 masks donated by Körber were distributed to high school students by the local Civil Protection
Körbers Business Area Tissue’s mask donations continue. Thanks to the help of the Civil Protection of the Province of Lucca, high school classrooms in Lucca have already received nearly 70,000 face masks. The donation was initiated by the company and supported by the Autieri Association of Garfagnana to actively contribute to the fight against COVID - 19 in the area.
Releases ● Körber Business Area Tissue news archive/TissueSeamless and timely customer support combined with leading innovations - Körber Business Area Tissue increases sales and orders in 2020
Over the course of this year the Tissue market evolved significantly: the uncertainty of the cost of pulp, the high competitiveness of the market, and the upheavals created by the current pandemic opened up new challenges. The Körber Business Area Tissue has been able to meet the most demanding customer requirements in terms of speed, choice and technologically advanced solutions.
Releases ● Körber Business Area Tissue news archive/TissueHyvolution Paris
Connecting Green Hydrogen APAC
LIGNA 2023
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum