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Valmet’s climate program takes concrete steps forward

Valmet’s climate program takes concrete steps forward

Valmet launched its climate program – Forward to a carbon neutral future – in March 2021, with ambitious CO2 emission reduction targets set for the whole value chain: supply chain, Valmet’s own operations, and the use phase of technologies. After a year in implementation, the program is fully integrated into Valmet’s strategic and annual planning, and is has taken concrete steps forward.

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Driving change for suppliers’ more sustainable operations

Driving change for suppliers’ more sustainable operations

Our ambition is to strongly support our suppliers in enhancing the sustainability of their operations and to further strengthen our cooperation with them in more sustainable practices.

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Making the site safer together

Making the site safer together

Each year we hold several Contractor HSE days where we align safety commitment and expectations with our key site suppliers. In addition to the Sustainable Supply Chain policy, we require suppliers and other business contacts to recognize and comply with our HSE Policy.

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Starting a dialogue on safety in every team

Starting a dialogue on safety in every team

Safety Dialogue is the largest training program Valmet has launched to date. The aim of the training is to actively engage every team in a meaningful dialogue on making Valmet and the industry safer.

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Sales Journey brings Valmet’s sales professionals together

Sales Journey brings Valmet’s sales professionals together

Sales Journey is a competence development program for Valmet’s sales function and the biggest training investment Valmet has ever made.

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Valmet’s Janne Puustinen selected as the CIO of the Year

Valmet’s Janne Puustinen selected as the CIO of the Year

Janne Puustinen, Valmet’s VP, Information Technology, has been named as the CIO of the Year by Tivi, a Finnish magazine for information technology professionals.

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Decreasing water consumption towards 2030 targets

Decreasing water consumption towards 2030 targets

Valmet is committed to improving the environmental performance of its operations and plans to decrease water consumption by 20 percent to 2030. The target is connected to our everyday actions all over the world.

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Valmet receives Bronze Class Sustainability Award 2019 in RobecoSAM’s annual Sustainability Yearbook

Valmet receives Bronze Class Sustainability Award 2019 in RobecoSAM’s annual Sustainability Yearbook

Valmet has received a Bronze Class medal in RobecoSAM's annual Sustainability Yearbook 2019 for excellent sustainability performance. RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing.

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Valmet's impact to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Valmet's impact to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

As a global company, Valmet has an opportunity to impact the development of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Valmet's Sustainability360˚ agenda and the connected action plans are aligned with the SDGs. Also, all the targets in Valmet's sustainability action plan contribute to the goals. From the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Valmet has defined four goals that are the most material for Valmet’s operations.

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Sustainable Supply Chain Policy updated to meet today’s requirements

Sustainable Supply Chain Policy updated to meet today’s requirements

Valmet has updated its Sustainable Supply Chain Policy to meet today's requirements for sustainable business practices set by our stakeholders. The policy has been updated to better address themes that are growing in importance globally, such as human rights. Furthermore, the structure and text of the policy have been simplified.

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