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Valmet participated in Earth Hour

Valmet participated in Earth Hour

Valmet is proud to participate in Earth Hour for the ninth time. This year, a record number of Valmet's locations will turn off their lights for climate.

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Supplier Sustainability with Dynaxcel

Supplier Sustainability with Dynaxcel

Dynaxcel, a key supplier in India, and Valmet have been working together to achieve mutual benefits from supplier cooperation. One aspect has been the integration of sustainability principles into Dynaxcel’s operations. Find out how supplier sustainability can lead to operational development.

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Supplier sustainability audits advancing sustainable business practices

Supplier sustainability audits advancing sustainable business practices

Valmet’s sustainable supply chain program was established in 2014, and China was the first country in which it was implemented. Supplier sustainability audits began the following year, and excellent progress has been made since. As a result, a number of constructive and creative solutions have been reached where room for improvement was found.

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Valmet's seasonal donation supports children around the world

Valmet's seasonal donation supports children around the world

In the spirit of the holiday season, Valmet continues the tradition to support selected global humanitarian and conservation organizations.

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Forward just got faster

Forward just got faster

Project work is a key element of Valmet’s global programs as it brings positive energy to all involved and acts as a springboard for innovative thinking.

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Leadership development in China

Leadership development in China

China's manager fundamentals program supports skill development, understanding of key business drivers, and communication and cooperation.

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What is so important about performing periodic reel maintenance?

What is so important about performing periodic reel maintenance?

Reels take a beating. They are the workhorse of the paper machine and require periodic maintenance. This will help avoid reel yield loss and improve turn-ups.

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These pneumatic troubleshooting charts cover many common problems

These pneumatic troubleshooting charts cover many common problems

These lists cover common problems with the actuator or pneumatic valves. They are intended as a starting point for pneumatic troubleshooting since it is impossible to include all possibilities.

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Troubleshooting charts for eight categories of hydraulic problems

Troubleshooting charts for eight categories of hydraulic problems

The following troubleshooting guides cover five categories of hydraulic problems. Possible causes and remedies are listed for each type of trouble. Causes are listed in order of probability; remedies are listed adjacent to the associated cause.

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SymSizer size press uneven nip loading solved, a case study

SymSizer size press uneven nip loading solved, a case study

This case study is for a size press which had intermittent problems with sheet breaks when the rolls were nipped up. The problem did not occur every time, so it was difficult to troubleshoot.

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